Home Health New Zealand Donates Neurosurgical Equipment to the National Referral Hospital

New Zealand Donates Neurosurgical Equipment to the National Referral Hospital

Dr Martin assisted in installing the operating bed for head surgery.

THE National Referral Hospital (NRH) recently received a set of Nuerosursery Equipment from the New Zeland High Commission, Honiara Solomon Islands.

New Zealand, High Commissioner Deputy acting Ms Rebecca Williams expressed her humbleness on behalf of the New Zealand Government to handover the special equipmemt to the NRH surgical team.

“I hope that the equipment will help change treatment for head and brain diseases at the NRH, and also help change the lives of people needing such care”, said Ms Williams.

Meanwhile, the generous gift to the hospital through the work of Dr Martin Hunn, a New Zealand Neurosurgeon working in Australia, who spearheaded the initiative to acquire equipment for the hospital, following his short stay at the NRH in 2024,working with the surgical department, through the NZ VSA program.  

Dr Martin Hunn, a qualified and experienced neurosurgeon was assisting the local surgeons treat diseases of the head and brain at the hospital as well as providing training for the local general surgeons and the registrars. He left with a plan to assist the hospital with equipment necessary to deal with brain problems such as internal bleeding, abscesses and trauma to the head.  Dr Hunn expressed his gratitude to be back for this handover visited the surgical ward and operating theatre staff. He assured the local team of his omgoing commitment through virtual meetings and online consultation referrals. In receiving the specialised equipment, National Referral Hospital Chief Executive Officer, Dr George Malefoasi thanked the NZ Government through NZ High Commission and the NZ VSA program for sending Dr Martin Hunn in 2024, and the much -needed sets of neurosurgeon equipment and the subspecialist care services.

Ms Rebecca Williams Acting NZ High Commissioner hands Neurosurgery equipment to CEO Dr George Malefoasi and looking on Dr Rooney Jagilly Head of Surgical Department and Dr Martin Hunn Neurosurgeon.

“The hospital is stepping up its tertiary care to include subspecialist care and neurosurgery services, cardiology, urology and others. There are also generous individuals and companies in Australia who also contributed to this worthy gift and I would also like to thank them”, said Dr Malefoasi.

Meanwhile, head of the Surgical Department, Dr Rooney Jagilly thanked and acknowledged the donated specialist surgical instruments noting they are crucial for treating head trauma and other serious diseases and injuries.

“Head and brain surgeries are very delicate and at times complex and having this equipment makes work better and more efficient”, said Dr Jagilly.



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