In West Kwaio, Malaita Pro.

See full video interview of Team Leader of the Vaccination rollout in West Kwaio, Max Oloisae.

VACCINATION rollout gets underway in West Kwaio, Malaita province this month despite the community transmission of COVID-19 experienced in the province.

The nurse in-charge for Sinamauri clinic and the Vaccination Team Leader for West Kwaio, Max Oloisae when interview on Friday 11 last week said that there is a good turnout of people to get their vaccination jab compared to previous vaccination rollout attempts conducted there.

Max said that the vaccination team is targeting to cover ten communities inside the West Kwaio constituency.

“Within ten communities, they will set locations where people from other surrounding catchment communities can come and take their vaccine.”

He said so far it is looking good with more and more people are attending the vaccination site get their vaccination.

“Hopefully more people will come later on for their vaccination.

“My advice for the people is that they must stay at home and do not make unnecessary movement between communities.

He said that all people must be attend the vaccination rollout when the team reached their areas.

“People must not move unnecessarily because we have some suspected COVID cases in our surroundings communities,” the vaccination team leader said.

Max advices people to apply COVID safety measures social distancancing, stay at home and wash hands with water and soap before eat.

“We expect more people to come and take their vaccination in times to come,” Oloisae said.

He said that he is very happy indeed because this time many people are willing to take their vaccination jab. “Each day, we begin in the early morning at around 8 am and finish at 5 pm from Monday to Friday except Saturday and Sunday which are rest days,” he said.


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