Home Education Christmas Break: Students Should Avoid Risky Behaviors

Christmas Break: Students Should Avoid Risky Behaviors

Secretary of the Ngarilasifono House of Chiefs in West Kwaio, Malaita Province, David Nguaburi.


THE Secretary of the Ngarilasifono House of Chiefs in West Kwaio, Malaita Province has appealed to students of the Foubaba Community High school that they should behave themselves during the Christmas festive season.

School Christmas holidays are an exciting time for graduating and non-graduate students. Throughout the Solomon Islands, it is evident to found school students associated with the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol, and involve in anti-social behaviors.

David Nguaburi told students at the school’s recent graduation ceremony that the school holiday and Christmas festive season has officially started, and they must ensure to make positive choices and avoid risky behaviors that will risk their future.

 “As students, you will be our country’s future leaders of today and tomorrow, however, your future depends on the choices you make today –whether it is positive or negative. It’s important to say no to negative things and avoid anti-social gatherings and illicit practices associated with drugs, sex, and alcohol.

“It is important to understand that the involvement of alcohol or drugs will not get you anywhere but will put your life and future at risk, for example, heavy drinking can lead you to violence and other undesirable risks, including unwanted or risky sexual behavior and reduced ability to make good decisions, which can lead to risk-taking, injury, hospitalization, and death,” said David.

David encouraged students to listen to their parents’ advice and community rules in this festive season.

“Breaking rules can be bad for everyone, or even life and death for some and it’s not worthy.

“Therefore, I encourage everyone to be involved in positive activities during the festive season, including family gatherings, church services, and sports instead of resorting to illegal activities like home brewing and Kwaso that will not do any good for individuals and the communities,” he said.



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