Home COVID-19 Covid Vaccine Boosters Are Effective Against Virus Nature of Mutation

Covid Vaccine Boosters Are Effective Against Virus Nature of Mutation

Dr Elizabeth Rodgers (Left) and Dr. Yogesh Choudhri (right)...(Photo credit...SIBC TV)


NATURALLY, the nature of any viruses is to mutate said Dr. Elizabeth Rogers when responding to a question during the radio talkback last Sunday 13 February.

She was responding to a question about the AstraZeneca and Sinopharm – if these vaccines would still be effective during this Covid-19 fight if a mutation occurs.

“The nature of all viruses is to mutate, and not only Covid-19 virus, so mutation will come and the effectiveness of the vaccines whether it is effective or not depends,’’ Dr. Elizabeth Rogers revealed.

“As Dr. Yogesh Choudhri said, once you completed your first two doses we’ll add a COVID-19 booster vaccine, the important thing is for everyone to complete your two doses so that you are ready for the booster dose vaccine.

She said that the vaccine is not only to prevent this Covid-19 virus but the main emphasis now is to reduce the severity of the illness.

“As we’ve seen the two variant that has come in recent time including delta and omicron and the new one that has now been circulating in Europe and should be here too.

“So the efficiency of the vaccines against delta and then to omicron has reduced the prevention of hospitalization and severe disease has gone down from 90% to 80%,” Dr. Elizabeth told radio listeners throughout the country.

In relation to the booster jab, Dr Yogesh Choudhri said that lately there was a push towards what is called the “mix and match vaccines approach” because medical evidence shows it produces antibodies in your bodies and provide assistance.

“Medical research has found that mix-and-match approach to Covid vaccines – using different brands for first and second doses – appears to give good protection against the pandemic virus,” he said.

Dr. Yogesh said the mix and match approach is good for Solomon Islands – because it introduces better protection.

“We have the alternative to do the “mix and match”. The recommendation is that if you have taken two doses you can be offered your booster dose

“A booster dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine helps improve the protection you have from your first 2 doses of the vaccine.”



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