Home General News CSSI 2021 Achievements: Manelusi

CSSI 2021 Achievements: Manelusi

Commissioner Manelusi delivered his remarks during the closing of the office of Commissioners on Friday 10. Photo Supplied.

COMMISSIONER of the Correctional Service of Solomon Islands (CSSI) Gabriel Manelusi expressed his sincere appreciation to the CSSI Executive Staff, Commandants, Directors, Advisors, Supervisors, Ranks and Files, for their well-done job throughout the year 2021.

Manelusi shared information to the Executive staff, Ranks and Files of the 2021 achievement, during the closing of the Office of the Commissioner held at Bisivotu beach, West Guadalcanal on Friday December 10th.

The 2021 achievements were as follow;

  • New CSTC syllabus of the Policy statements of the Government
  • Promotion of Senior and Subordinate officers
  • Increment from Level 4 – 7 approved by the Commissioner’s decisions
  • Relevelling as of January 2022
  • Release of Sixteen Inmates based on the Parole orders
  • Forum Leaders workshop on Remand, Rehabilitation
  • 130 Positions with 2 x Assistance Commissioner
  • Rotation of Senior leaders
  • Capacity development workshop for Senior leaders
  • Implementation of COVID 19 Standing orders
  • Senior Managers Conference
  • Installation of three new Gensets at Tetere Correctional Centre (TCC) & Rove Central Correctional Centre (RCCC)
  • Installation of 7 Water tanks at RCCC
  • Recruitment of Technical specialists – Nurses, Project/Assist, OHS, Dieticians, Drivers and Communications
  • DFAT Projects – Gizo Correctional Centre & RCCC Sewage
  • Auki Correctional Centre Joinery, Naha walling, RCCC fencing
  • Succession plan, HRD plan
  • Media release and monthly release
  • Advisors – Training Adviser-Angelique and Advisor RRR-Anthony Maelasi

He also highlighted the agreement between CSSI and external stakeholders. Agreements were signed with;

  • Assa Abloy Australia Pty Limited – Lock smith
  • Mental Health Service
  • Global Vision Company
  • Solomon Rice Company Ltd
  • Soltuna
  • IBM – Island Bible Ministries
  • QCS – Queensland Correctional Service

Manelusi also delivered that the future direction for CSSI as of 2022 will be focussed on;

  • Identifying potential skills for CSSI to further invest in HR development.
  • National Peacebuilding, Prevention, Rehabilitation Advisory Board meeting with PS’s and Donor partners on 16th February 2022
  • Refresher courses for CSSI
  • Stakeholders meeting on mentallys ill patients and convicts
  • Scheme of services
  • Civil engineer for a 1 year design infrastructure
  • Review of CSSI Strategic Direction – Mission, Vision, Goals, Values
  • Completion of the 20 years CSSI National Infrastructure master plan
  • Filling up the Assistant Commissioners
  • Design a 1-2 years leadership training for middle managers
  • Establishment of proper Mental facility
  • Improvement of piggery, poultry & farming at TCC for 2023
  • Inmates community work program
  • Set leadership standards & discipline
  • Seek donor support for uniform

Commissioner Manelusi acknowledged all members and CSSI families across Solomon Islands for their support. He also extended his gratitude to the three Advisors, George Samuel, Angelique and Anthony Maelasi. He thanked SIJP, UNDP, ICRC and Red Cross Solomon Islands for their great assistance towards CSSI in 2021.

Finally, he stood in salute to all and wished them a blessed Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2022




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