Home Church Government Finalised Strategic Partnership Framework with Churches

Government Finalised Strategic Partnership Framework with Churches


THE Democratic Coalition for Change Government (DCGA) through the Ministry of Traditional Governance, Peace and Ecclesiastical Affairs (MTGPEA) had finalized a draft strategic partnership framework with the Churches under the Solomon Islands Christian Association (SICA) and the Solomon Islands Full Gospel Association (SIFGA).

The validation workshop was held on the 02 August 2021 with the church leaders and administrators under SICA and SIFGA at the Rock Haven Inn.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Traditional Governance, Peace and Ecclesiastical Affairs, Mr. Peter Mae, in his official opening remarks, officially welcomed these church leaders and administrators including both the General Secretary of SICA and SIFGA for their positive respond to attend this validation workshop. He informed these leaders that the central purpose of this workshop is to provide them this space and opportunity to draw-out from them their additional inputs, comments, foresights and wisdom that will be actualized to validate and finalise the draft strategic partnership framework.

Permanent Secretary, Peter Mae also highlighted in his official opening remarks that this draft strategic partnership framework that to be validated and finalized, is one of the outcomes from the National Symposium that was hosted by the ministry for the Head of Churches and Administrators in 2020, as an institutional response and commitment of the national government through the ministry in recognizing and supporting the role of ecclesiastical institutions in the country. In this light this said framework sees to contextually ground this cordial recognition and support between both the government through the ministry and churches under the SICA and SIFGA.

He also added that the said framework will leveraged the standing of these ecclesiastical institutions or churches (under SICA and SIFGA) to the forefront and to enable the churches in the country as active and reputable players for collective participation in the country’s socio-economic and political developments with the government and development partners.

 Mean-while, he urged these church leaders and administrators to fully participate, engaged and contribute during this said workshop to validate and finalize the draft strategic partnership framework. Your participation, engagements and contribution in this said workshop that will enable the ministry to finalize this draft strategic partnership framework, hence will eventually as way-forward, be officially submitted to Cabinet for its endorsement and implementation in the country, he says.

MTGPEA Press Release



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