Photo: Caper Fa’asala (Photo Credit: Casper Fa’asala)
Rape is becoming a concern and an increasing problem for people living with disability in the country.
In an Interview, Casper Fa’asala, People with disability Solomon Islands (PWDSI) Manager said that his office is also seriously considering areas where young girls living with disability have been raped or sexually harassed and had gone unreported to responsible authorities.
“There are occasions/situations where young girls with disability been sexually abused and their cases have never been reported to the police. It is also a serious matter for us here and a serious concern for my office,’’ Fa’asala said.
“This comes back to us Solomon islanders, we understand that communication was weak in the past, no availability of reporting system thus we think that rape cases in the past were low. But i don’t believe rape cases in the past are low.
“Population at that time was low, and therefore when population increases, there will also be an increase of social problems, and so is the issue of rape and sexual abuse cases,” he said.
Mr Fa’asala said that more of these cases were under the spotlight as more and more young girls can speak up for themselves or report sexual harassement cases to their relatives or friends.
He said that rape comes in various different forms such as sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
“Sometimes money is used to lure girls, exploiting them through money for sex and create a situation or a prospect for prostitution to happened in the country,’’ said Fa’asala.
Mr Fa’asala said that the other area of rape, where many do not aware of is Sexual Abuse.
“This involves threatening or physical intrusion or having an affair with a girl without her will.
He said that it is important to conduct a study to find out how Sexual Harassment happened in Solomon Islands either in the work place and other avenues.
“Even now with the Office of the disability, we will make sure we’ll set up a reporting system with police to report rape and sexual abuse/Harassment cases once it was reported to us from the public or victims,’’ said Fa’asala.