Home Economy Independent Group praises Auditor General’s ESP Audit

Independent Group praises Auditor General’s ESP Audit

Leader of Independent and team, posing with & Auditor General and his officers after the briefing. Photo credit @ Independent Group Media

THE Office of the Leader of the Independent Group in the National Parliament of Solomon Islands would extended their sincere thanks to the Auditor General and the Office of the Auditor General for their recent briefing on the Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) Audit Report.

The opportunity to hear directly from the Auditor General and to have the findings of the report expanded upon was greatly appreciated. The briefing provided important clarity on key issues highlighted in the report, which the office of the leader of the independent group believe is crucial to ensuring transparency and accountability in how public funds are managed.

The briefing highlighted the need to ensure that government authorities must continue to abide by procedures and laws, even in challenging times. No one is above the law.

The office of the leader of the independent group the joins the calls on all relevant authorities, including the police and integrity institutions, to take immediate steps to further investigate the findings detailed in the report. These findings raise significant concerns, and it is imperative that they be addressed through thorough and transparent investigations to ensure that the public trust is upheld. It is important that accountability is preserved.

The office also took the opportunity to express its full support for the essential work carried out by the Office of the Auditor General. Despite the many challenges faced during this audit, they have delivered a report of critical importance to our nation’s governance and accountability. The leader and members of the independent group congratulated the Auditor General and his team for their splendid work, which serves as a vital pillar in strengthening good governance in the Solomon Islands.

The Office of the Leader of the Independent Group remains committed to supporting initiatives that promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in the management of public resources.



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