Home Police and Court Inmate Reconcile with Victims Family Behind Bars

Inmate Reconcile with Victims Family Behind Bars

Inmate Taelamo and Sutafanabo presents the Shell Money (Baniau) to late Jack Maenarii brother Mr. Peter Orica and family members. Photo credit @ Correctional Services Solomon Islands

TWO Correctional Inmate have recently reconcile with victims family behind locked bars at Rove Central Correctional Centre in Honiara.

The reconciliation ceremony was made possible by the Prison Fellowship Solomon Islands (PFSI) for an incident at Lausia village in Malaita Province, fifteen years (15) ago.

Inmate Jones Taelamo Maelonga and Peter Sutafanabo been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of late Jack Maenarii at Lausia village in Malaita province.

The two inmates, Taelamo and Sutafanabo reconciliation was materialize through Prison Fellowship Solomon Islands where they mediated the reconciliation formalities between the victim and offender families.

During the emotional reconciliation ceremony, the offender’s families came face to face with the victim families, where acceptance and forgiveness been convened with a cultural presentation of shell money (Baniau).

The victim’s representative Mr. Dickson Kwangamae during the reconciliation ceremony said, it’s time to come together, reconcile and leave the past behind as we move forward for a better future. His family and tribe have accepted the apology from the two inmates.

“The reconciliation is the way forward for tribes who still have grievances towards each other because of past murder.”

Inmate Jones Taelamo Maelonga and Peter Sutafanabo pose for a photo shot with late Jack Maenarii brother Mr Peter Orica (centre). Photo credit @ Correctional Services Solomon Islands

The reconciliation ceremony also allowed tribesmen of the victim to witness and accept the fact that they no longer have grievances towards each other.

Reconciling with the immediate family of the victim is what Jones Taelamo Maelonga and Peter Sutafanabo have been looking forward to since the day they incarcerated.

Gabriel Bate’e of Prison Fellowship Solomon Islands and Pastor Michael Bateé from Bible Way Centre are the engine room of this reconciliation ceremony, as witnessed by the Two Parties coming together for this important ceremony.

Commissioner Mactus Forau acknowledge the tireless effort made by PFSI Team for making this reconciliation ceremony a successful.

“Reconciliation of inmate and their families with the victim and families are of paramount importance for the reintegration of inmates upon their release to their families and community”.

“This aligns to the CSSI strategic direction 2023-2026, core function one (01) under prisoner management strategies”, says Forau.

Commandant Rove CCC Mr. Lawrence Meke appealed to the two parties to respect the reconciliation ceremony and work together in unity and love.

This reconciliation ceremony been witnessed by Prison Fellowship Solomon Islands, CSSI Executive, RCCC Management & Team, Ranks & Files, supporting key stakeholders and member from both Parties (Victim and Offenders).

Certificates been signed off by two parties in recognition of this reconciliation and both parties welcomed and respect the reconciliation ceremony going forward.



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