Home Church National Worship Encounter Conference Ended Successfully

National Worship Encounter Conference Ended Successfully

All participants of NWEC2021 Photo Credit: GI Media

THE ‘National Worship Encounter Conference’ has successfully ended after a long week of seeking God and touching his presence.

The conference combines all worshipers from all denominations in the Solomon Islands and the event this week was the third event held at Gateway International Healing and Mission Centre.

It was an exciting week for all participants from each denomination within SIFGA and SICA as they seek God’s presence and heal each other’s hearts through worship.

Participants of NWEC2021. Photo Credit: GI Media

Senior Pastor Dr Philip Komasi said that this week will be a week that all participants or worshipers will never be the same as before.

“We want to see the work of God inside each church. We want to come together as brothers and sisters in worship.

“I see the rising generation is destined to serve God and to be ushers of God’s work.

“This week is a powerful week. We see God move in so many ways to change lives,” Dr Philip Komasi said.

The lead team member of the NWEC2021, Sherry K Daubitu said that this event has expressed a lot but all in all, glory has been given back to God.

Participants of NWEC2021. Photo Credit: GI Media

“I believe that this event has done a majestic impact in every life that is here during the week and those ones that are joining us live every evening.

“We experience the presence of God and I believe that these people have so much to say about it. All glory goes back to God the almighty.

Attending this year’s National Worship Encounter Conference were heads of churches and communities, pastors, youths and worshipers.

This year’s NWEC 2021 has gathered hundreds of worshipers and next year it is anticipated to expand to other islands.

National Worship Encounter Conference will happen again in October next year.  

SOURCE: G.I media



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