Home Politics PNG Chancery Marks 49th Independence Day with Flag-Raising Ceremony

PNG Chancery Marks 49th Independence Day with Flag-Raising Ceremony

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Chancery in Town Ground, Honiara celebrated its 49th Independence Day today with an official ‘Flag Rising’ ceremony. Photo credit @ Lynnissha Runa


THE Papua New Guinea (PNG) Chancery in Town Ground, Honiara celebrated its 49th Independence Day today with an official ‘Flag Rising’ ceremony.

The event, an annual tradition, serves as an emotional reminder of the PNG’s transition from journey from colonial rule to sovereign statehood, celebrated with solemnity and pride.

High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, H.E. Moses Kaul, spoke with heartfelt passion about the significance of the day.

“This day, when we raised the PNG flag and lowered the Australian flag, symbolizes our strength and freedom,” Kaul reflected. The ceremony not only commemorates the historic transition on September 16, 1975 but also celebrates the country’s diverse cultural heritage and progress.

The official ‘Flag Rising’ ceremony held today at the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Chancery in Town Ground, Honiara to mark the PNG‘s 49th Independence Day. Photo credit @ Lynnissha Runa

A highlight of the event was the participation of local children, who joined in the flag-raising ceremony with evident pride. “Witnessing our beautiful children cherishing this occasion fills me with admiration,” Kaul said, stressing that they are “our flag bearers, our future, and our leaders of tomorrow.”

PNG High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, H.E. Moses Kaul, spoke with heartfelt passion about the significance of the day. Photo credit @ Lynnissha Runa

This year’s Independence Day theme, “Rebuilding,” resonates deeply as PNG continues to navigate its path forward. Kaul called for unity and resilience, urging citizens to embrace their role in nation-building.

“We must rise up and build our nation,” he stated, stressing the importance of overcoming challenges and leveraging the country’s rich resources, diverse traditions, and cultural heritage.

As he addressed the gathered community, Kaul reflected on the blessings of independence and the responsibility to raise a democratic society.

“We are the true sons of PNG, and we must unite to rebuild our communities and realize our common aspirations,” he urged. His message was clear: while the journey has not been easy, the nation must remain steadfast in its pursuit of progress.

The day concluded with a gathering at the Chancery, where refreshments were served to members of the PNG community, families, and friends. The celebration, which also acknowledged the efforts of the Independence Organisation Committee led by Jorddy Tununto, Vice President of the Papua New Guinea/Solomon Islands Association, was a testament to the spirit of togetherness and a hopeful look toward the future.

As PNG continues its journey, today’s events served as a reminder of the continuing values of unity, leadership, and respect—principles that will guide the nation as it moves towards its 50th anniversary and beyond.



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