Home Police and Court RSIPF Recruiting More Officers from Nine Provinces

RSIPF Recruiting More Officers from Nine Provinces

Some of the new recruits during official opening program. Photo credit @ RSIPF

THE Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) welcomed 68 new recruits at Rove police headquarters on 12 February 2023.

The total 68 recruits consist of 48 males and 22 females and they represent all the nine provinces of the Solomon Islands.

The new recruits will undergo18 weeks of intensive training which will involve a lot of activities that they will undertake in a limited period of time.

For the first four weeks of the training, recruits will be in confinement. This means that they are not allowed to leave the police headquarters and their movements within the police headquarters are restricted. Only designated areas within police headquarters are allowed for them to have access to.

The recruits will both undergo theory and practicals. The practical involves responding to incidents, execution of search warrants, notetaking of incidents, crime scene attendance and many more.

The physical aspect of the training involves: physical training, foot drills and operational safety training. Physical training involves: cardio circuits, strength and cardio, speed test and many more. Foot drill involves: stationary movements and marching. Operational Safety Training involves: Baton strikes, escort hold, takedown and many other techniques of arrest and search.

Recruits will undergo written and practical assessments. The written assessment involves written exams which require a pass mark of 60 out of 100. There are a total of five exams to be sat.

RSIPF Commissioner Mr. Mostyn Mangau during the official opening ceremony said, “Each recruit is required to work hard and participate fully in class and outdoor activities to meet the competency standard required of the training course. You are urged to make a commitment and work together as a team.”

Commissioner Mangau said, “Police Academy trainers are there to assist you with your training needs. They are your mentors during the 18 weeks of training so seek advice and guidance from them whenever you need assistance.”

Mr. Mangau said, “Recruits will also undergo an external course from the normal recruit training course. They are to undergo an English grammar course with Islands Christian College. They will be assessed through exams and oral class presentations in the English language. Each recruit will receive a certificate in English Grammar after completing and passing the course. This recruit course has been the third recruit course to undergo English grammar.”

“On this note, I would like to thank Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) and Australian Federal Police (AFP) Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP) for providing funding for the English Grammar Course for recruits. Besides other training, recruits will also undergo computer training. They will be introduced to Microsoft Word, Outlook and others,” said Commissioner Mangau.

The police chief said, “Each recruit is expected to display ethical values and abide by the Police Academy Standing Orders. Any unethical behaviour is not tolerated and any breach of orders may result in dismissal from the training course and from the RSIPF. Therefore it is of paramount importance to follow orders and instructions.”

Marching, parade and daily barrack room inspections are the daily and weekly routines during the training. Recruits will march to and from classes and their dress code should be of the highest standard. This means their uniforms have to be properly ironed and the shoes or boots have to be polished.

The recruits will boost the number of police officers of the RSIPF as the National General Election 2024(NGE24) is drawing closer.

Recruits will cover 35 modules which comprise of variety of topics such as:

  • People skills and conflict resolution
  • Laws and Criminal Laws of Solomon Islands
  • Police Powers
  • Effective communication techniques
  • Policing Methodology
  • Investigation techniques
  • Court Procedures
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Domestic Violence



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