Home Church Saint Vincent sisters Gift Sunday School Children

Saint Vincent sisters Gift Sunday School Children

The Sisters of Charity presents gifts to children. PHOTO: LESLEY FOINAGWA


The Saint Vincent Sisters of Charity at Buma Parish West Kwaio Malaita Province has presented Sunday School Children of Takwaisae community with gifts as part of their Christmas and New Year initiative.

A total number of one hundred excited children received the gifts in a small organised event.

The presentation of food and Christmas medals to Sunday school children. PHOTO: LESLEY FOINAGWA

The gifts consist of one handbag full of biscuits and Christmas medals.

This is not the first time the Saint Vincent Sisters of Charity handed out such gifts as they also presented similar presents to Sunday school children in the past.

According to one of the sisters, Sister Mather, it is part of their Christmas initiative to give out such to the children.

Some of the Sunday school boys awaiting their turn to be presented with gifts. PHOTO: LESLEY FOINAGWA

“We need to make them feel happy and smile as we celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus Christ.

She has acknowledged the Takwaisae Sunday school children to accept their gifts and hope they will live in Christ with their life.

“Even though we have faced many challenges throughout this year but let our children feel happy to celebrate this Christmas,” Sister Mather said.

“Please parents help our children to live in Christ,” she said.

She further encouraged the Sunday school to continue learning about Jesus Christ with their life.



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