Home Education School Principal Sadden Over the Devastating Consequences of Riots

School Principal Sadden Over the Devastating Consequences of Riots

A destroyed school buildings of Honiara Senior High School. Photo credit: Lynnissha Runa


HONIARA Senior High School suffered a devastating blow to its infrastructure along with relevant important data and documents after it was razed to the ground in last week’s protest and unrest.

A number of departments including the School administration office, Computer Lab, Agriculture Department, Industrial Arts Classroom, NTS Department, three forms four classrooms, and school library were all gone in the blaze.

According to the School Principal, Mr. Allen Ketei, all the vital data, and information has gone they will have to start again from zero.

Honiara Senior High School Principal, Mr. Allen Ketei. Photo credit: Lynnissha Runa

“It’s truly a sad thing for us because all the school’s vital data and information have gone. We will have to start again from zero to build up,” Mr. Ketei said.

The School Principal said it is a sad story and worst situation that we have lost most of our facilities that can enable our students and citizens to come and engage in education.

“We have a very slim situation to cope. We will try our best to handle the few classes we have but I know it’s a very difficult situation for us now, but we will try our best to end this academic year.

“The situation is out of hand. Our national leaders should have sorted this out from the very beginning. It is now beyond our control and it will become a sad story and these will affect our country.”

Honiara High School is one of the pioneering schools established in the early ’70s and has gone through many transitions starting with, Guadalcanal Primary School (GPS) to Honiara High School (HHS) and then to Honiara Senior High School (HSHS).

According to Mr. Timothy Anilafa, School Head of Mathematics Department, they were shocked and in tears to witness the devastation caused by the burning of the school infrastructures and facilities.

Timothy Anilafa, School Head of Mathematics Department. Photo credit: Lynnissha Runa

“The School has served many Solomon Island students from all provinces and has produced many leaders in the country.

“We have not expected such a thing to happen to the school. It is with the biggest regret that such an institution holds no significance to some people,” Mr. Anilafa expressed.

Mr. Charlie Keke, the 2021 School Head boy along with a few other student leaders has also come out to condemn the burning of the building stating that the school does not deserve this action by a few inconsiderate people.

“It is very sad for us to see the burning of the school building. HSHS has nothing to with the recent unrest and protest,” School Head boy, Mr. Keke said.

School Scripture Union President and Form Six Science Class Captain, Ezra Inosia said on behalf of the students that they are very sad and would like to condemn the action on the school property.

Left to right…. 2021 School Head boy, Charlie Keke, School Scripture Union President and Form Six Science Class Captain, Ezra Inosia and Former Class Captain of Form Four Yellow, Emmanuel Kahano. Photo credit: Lynnissha Runa

A Former Class Captain of Form Four Yellow, Emmanuel Kahano also echoed the same sentiment that he had not slept all night during the burning of the buildings.



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