Home Education SINU and MPG Signed a MoU for SINU 4TH Campus at Aligegeo

SINU and MPG Signed a MoU for SINU 4TH Campus at Aligegeo

Premier Elijah Asilaua and SINU Vice Chancellor Professor Transform Aqorau signed the MoU, while SINU IPD Director Darious Ramo and Malaita Provincial Secretary George Eric looked on. Photo credit @ SINU

THE idea of establishing a 4th Solomon Islands National University (SINU) Campus in Malaita Province has reached a significant milestone with the successful signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between SINU and the Malaita Provincial Government (MPG).

SINU Vice Chancellor (VC) Professor Transform Aqorau and Malaita Premier Elijah Asilaua signed the MoU in front of a large crowd during the Malaita 41st Second Appointed Day celebrations in Auki today. The MoU signing was witnessed by donor partners and members of the public who attended the event in Auki.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, SINU VC Prof.Aqorau stated, “Today is a day of immense significance, a turning point in our history. As we gather here to sign the Agreement for establishing the 4th Solomon Islands National University Campus in Malaita, we are not merely signing a document—we are laying the cornerstone of a dream long held by the people of this great province. Malaita, rich in culture, tradition, and resilience, has always been a beacon of strength within our nation.”

“Today, we take a monumental step towards ensuring that the youth of Malaita and other parts of Solomon Islands have access to the same opportunities as their peers in Honiara and overseas. The establishment of this university campus is more than a physical expansion; it symbolizes our commitment to equality, development, and progress. It acknowledges Malaita’s crucial role in our nation’s history and its vital place in our future. This campus will serve as a bridge between the past and the future, creating a vibrant community of learning, growth, and empowerment.”

“As we prepare to sign this Agreement, let us reflect on the magnitude of this moment. We are not just establishing a campus; we are planting the seeds of hope, opportunity, and transformation.”

“We are declaring to the people of Malaita and the rest of Solomon Islands that education is the key to unlocking our nation’s full potential, and we are committed to making that key available to all.”

The SINU VC said the new campus is not merely an educational expansion; it is a transformative economic investment for Malaita stating the construction phase will generate numerous jobs, providing livelihoods for many local families.

He said once completed, the campus will offer long-term employment opportunities for educators, administrators, and support staff, ensuring that the economic benefits extend far into the future.

He further stated that the presence of a thriving university campus will act as a magnet, drawing in businesses and investors eager to contribute to and benefit from this academic hub’s growth.

Not only that, but he said local businesses will experience a surge in demand, spurred by the influx of students, faculty, and visitors stating that the campus will serve as a catalyst for regional development, stimulating the local economy and creating a thriving environment for commerce and innovation.

Beyond the economic impact, he said the social benefits of establishing a university campus in Malaita are profound and far-reaching where he said for too long, the youth of Malaita have faced barriers to accessing higher education, often leaving their homes and families to pursue knowledge.

Moreover, he said with this campus, we are breaking down those barriers, bringing education within reach of every young person in Malaita who dares to dream of a brighter future.

Furthermore, he said the Aligegeo campus will be a sanctuary of learning, where young minds are nurtured, challenged, and inspired.

“Here, the youth of Malaita will gain knowledge and be equipped with the critical thinking, innovation, and leadership skills needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world. This university will serve as a crucible for the leaders of tomorrow, where they will forge the character and intellect necessary to guide our nation into the future.”

Besides, he said the impact of this education will reverberate throughout the community, contributing to long-term poverty reduction and enhancing the quality of life for all.

“Educated individuals are empowered individuals, capable of making informed decisions and contributing positively to society.The benefits of education extend to families, communities, and the nation as a whole”.

In his remarks, the SINU VC also called on the National Government, MPG, stakeholders, and donor partners to work together in support of the initiative in ensuring the successful establishment of the 4th campus in Malaita Province.

Speaking in response to the VC, Premier Asilaua stated that the Malaita Provincial Government (MPG) is fully committed to supporting this crucial milestone and wholeheartedly welcomes the signing of the MoU.

Premier Asilaua expressed his gratitude to SINU for choosing to establish the 4th campus in Malaita, emphasizing that his government is eager to see the MoU come to fruition.

While congratulating SINU under the leadership of Prof.Aqorau for bringing the university to Malaita Province, Prime Minister (PM) Jeremiah Manele also announced that Caucus has already approved and fully supports the idea of establishing SINU 4th campus in Malaita. PM Manele then appealed to all donor partners to support the development of the SINU 4th campus in Malaita.

The MoU has four main objectives; Establishment of SINU’s Aligegeo Campus, Promotion of Agricultural Education and Research, Enhancement of Educational Opportunities, and Collaboration with Stakeholders.



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