Home COVID-19 Solomon Workers: First to Benefits from Quarantine-Free Arrangement

Solomon Workers: First to Benefits from Quarantine-Free Arrangement

The 136 workers, New South Wales, Australia bound under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme. PHOTO CREDIT: AHC Honiara.


THE first quarantine-free Solomon Islands workers have left the Honiara International Airport for New South Wales, Australia.

The group of 136 local workers left yesterday, Tuesday 16, November. They will be the first from the Pacific Island nations to benefit from the quarantine-free arrangement under Australia’s Pacific Pathways Plan (PPP).

A statement from the Australian Department of Foreign affairs and Trade (DFAT) stated that the 136 workers from the Solomon Islands will begin work in places such as Tamworth, Wagga Wagga, Junee, Dubbo, Wingham, and Casino.

The 136 workers under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme. PHOTO CREDIT: AHC Honiara.

The PPP was established so workers from low COVID-risk Pacific countries can travel quarantine-free to Australia to take up work in agriculture, meat processing, tourism, and care sectors.

Previously, in line with public health advice, Pacific workers were subject to a 14-day quarantine period, as with all other international arrivals.

“The PPP will reduce red tape and costs for Australian businesses seeking to access urgently needed labor. Remittances to the Pacific represent a critical source of economic investment in our region as we recover from the impacts of COVID-19 together.

“Since August 2020, over 13,000 Pacific and Timorese workers have arrived in Australia under the Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP) and Pacific Labour Scheme (PLS), which is now called the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme.

“Currently, there are more than 17,000 PALM workers in Australia.

“The Australian Government is committed to continuing to work with Pacific Island countries and the states and territories to bring additional workers to Australia, drawing from a Pacific work-ready pool of 55,000.”



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