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Temotu Marks 40th Second Appointed Day with a Call for Unity and Progress



On Saturday, June 10th, Temotu Province celebrated its 40th second appointed day at the SINU Cultural Village Panatina campus in East Honiara. The event, held under the theme “Uniting Temotu Province for a Better Future,” was graced by esteemed guests, including the Guest of Honour and CBSI Governor, Dr. Luke Forau. Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Forau emphasized the significance of unity among Temotuans and urged them to embrace this principle going forward.

The ceremony was attended by notable figures such as Governor General Sir Rev David Vunagi and Mrs. Vunagi, Speaker of Parliament Patteson Oti, SINU Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. Jack Maebuta, President of the Economics Association of S.I, Guadalcanal Premier Hon Francis Sade, and Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening, Standley Pirione.

Governor General, Sir David Vunagi glades garlanded upon arrival at the event venue.

Dr. Forau stressed the importance of seeing themselves as one people with diverse cultures, rather than identifying solely by island or ethnic groups. He highlighted the need for unity in addressing the challenges faced by the province and ensuring the well-being of its residents. Furthermore, Dr. Forau encouraged the reflection on Temotu Province’s journey in terms of socioeconomic development.

Regarding Temotu’s demographics, Dr. Forau pointed out that the province’s estimated population in 2022 was around 25,701, accounting for only 3.6% of the total population of Solomon Islands. He also noted that Temotu’s land area is approximately 8,095 square kilometers, representing about 3% of the country’s total land area. Dr. Forau emphasized the importance of sustainable utilization of Temotu’s limited resources for the benefit of the province and its people.

Dr Forau speaking during the event.

Dr. Forau expressed optimism about the potential of the people of Temotu to contribute more to the development of the province and the nation as a whole. He emphasized the need to invest in education, as it plays a crucial role in utilizing human resources and advancing the province’s development. A well-educated population, according to Dr. Forau, fosters opportunities for technological advancements and a free and fair society.

SINU Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. Jack Maebuta described Temotuans as unique individuals and emphasized the importance of taking pride in their uniqueness. He acknowledged the challenges posed by the province’s lack of natural and land resources, particularly concerning mining operations. Dr. Maebuta called for personal responsibility and highlighted the role of education in creating a better future for Temotu. He drew inspiration from past and present leaders from Temotu who have made significant contributions in various sectors.

SINU Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. Jack Maebuta speaking during the occasion.

Dr. Maebuta also emphasized Temotu’s religious significance as the home of the Anglican Church of Melanesian, which has produced prominent leaders, including the current Governor General, His Excellency David Vunagi. He concluded by quoting Adieus, stating that education is not only about knowledge but also about applying that knowledge to make a difference in the world.

The 40th second appointed day celebration in Temotu Province showcased the importance of unity, investment in education, and embracing uniqueness for a better future. The province, despite its small size and limited resources, remains resilient and committed to progress and development.



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