Home Latest News Wale: Overdue Reforms, How Long?

Wale: Overdue Reforms, How Long?

Leader of Opposition and Member of Parliament for Aoke Langalanga, Matthew Wale.


Leader of Opposition and Member of Parliament for Aoke Langalanga, Matthew Wale, has questioned the government, how long before they make long-overdue reforms on issues affecting the citizens in the country.

Hon. Wale was speaking on Monday when moving the Motion of No Confidence against Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, which was defeated on the floor of parliament.

According to Wale, the grip of the extractive industry on the country’s natural resources policy has meant that the economy cannot be producing jobs for qualified young people who are desperately in need of jobs.

He said that young people are unemployed and the people are asking how long do the PM and the government needs to implement serious reforms to ensure sustainable jobs are created out of the dwindling resources.

“People can see that the PM attitude is to allow resources to be over-exploited with no interest to force the changes needed to create sustainable jobs.

“Majority of people lived where health care is challenging with basic medicine and supplies are often not adequate to meet their health care needs.

“The state of our hospitals are perpetually in crisis management in the emergency department at the NRH as patients are now sleeping on the floor, why is this the case, who is responsible?

“Our people watch as spectators as all the prime land in and around Honiara is taken up by foreigners with better access to capital whilst the government sits on his hands, ’Wale Highlighted.




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