Home Development Wale Says Lack of Political Will for NRH ‘Sickening’

Wale Says Lack of Political Will for NRH ‘Sickening’

flooding inside the NRH causing havoc on health services. PHOTO SOURCED

THE lack of political will for health care in the country is evident and sadly the government has turned a blind eye on this for years.

Opposition Leader Hon Matthew Wale said the state of the current National Referral Hospital (NRH) is an eyesore and disgrace, which has proved government negligence for many years.

Hon Wale said NRH’s current state and photos and videos of flooding inside the NRH causing havoc on health services is very sad.

“Where is the political will for health services in the country? It would be good to see the current political will, priority and aggressiveness for the PG 2023 Games also drives the improvement of NRH and other health services around the country,” he said.

The Opposition Leader said that if the government and donor partners can invest millions of dollars for stadiums then surely the same approach should be taken to upgrade or even build a new hospital.

Hon Wale said we have a Prime Minister who is always proud of his career as a long-serving politician and four-time Prime Minister yet health care services was never his priority.

“Where is the priority and leadership? This government has an ill-informed policy and sadly health services have never been a priority. The state of NRH and flooding at the NRH speaks for itself. This is an issue government has neglected and intentionally turned a blind eye on for many years,” he said.

The Prime Minister and his health minister should be ashamed of themselves especially when they misinformed Parliament late last year that NRH is fully equipped.

“Both should bow their heads in shame and address this current situation at NRH with urgency,” he said.


Photo credits Tina Akwai, Claude Posala.



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