Home Politics West Kwara’ae Constituency’s New MP Congratulated

West Kwara’ae Constituency’s New MP Congratulated

Newly elected MP for West Kwara’ae Constituency Honourable Alfred Tuasulia. Photo by MRD Media

THE Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Rural Development Dr. Samson Viulu has congratulated Alfred Tuasulia as the newly elected Member of Parliament for West Kwara’ae Constituency.

Viulu conveyed this congratulatory message on behalf of his Minister and the staff of the ministry today (Friday 26 May 2023).

He said that his ministry is looking forward to working closely with Hon. Member of Parliament (MP) Tuasulia to deliver needed government services to the people of West Kwara’ae to improve their social and economic livelihoods.

Permanent Secretary Viulu also acknowledged the people of West Kwara’ae constituency for their cooperation and respect which was demonstrated through the peaceful by-election.

The by-election was conducted on Wednesday 24 May 2023 following the death of the former MP, Sam Iduri.

The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) is one of the 24 ministries within the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) machinery.

Established on the 28th September, 2007, MRD core mandates as contained under Legal Notice 164 in accordance with the Constitution of Solomon Islands is to oversee the effective planning and implementation of Government’s Rural Development Policies with the sole vision to ensure all rural Solomon Islanders become meaningfully participated in development activities to improve their social and economic livelihood.

The Ministry’s core functions focus more on coordinating the work of fifty (50) Constituencies in terms of Constituency development programmes for rural development and growth to improve rural people livelihoods.



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