Home COVID-19 Women Group Wants GPG to Activate its Emergency plan

Women Group Wants GPG to Activate its Emergency plan


The Guadalcanal Council of Women Executive (GCW) has made an appealed to the Guadalcanal Provincial Government to activate its Emergency plan for restrictions of gathering activity and intercommunity movement to avoid further transmission of the virus.

The women group made the call after receiving calls from concern mothers beyond Alligator creek over the high number of crowded activity beyond the Honiara Emergency Zone.

“The GCW thus appeal to our GPG to activate its Emergency Plan for restrictions of gathering activity and intercommunity movement to avoid further transmission of the virus.

“Especially from the truck line. It was 10 days after the MV AKWA arrived in Honiara, so the virus might be spreading beyond the Honiara Emergency zone already.

“This 60 hrs emergency lockdown is not a practice and not a joke. Take this seriously,” a GCW statement stressed.

The statement pointed out that major market areas like Corona market and road side market should be closed for a while unless PPEs is worn.

“GCW understands that there are people who used to live in Honiara town that are moving beyond the emergency boundary to spend the lockdown there.

“Some are involved in marketing as well. These are the kind of practice that might pose more risk for further transmission of the virus if not controlled properly.

“Over to the GPG authority to help us on this concern,” the statement appealed.

Press Statement

Featured Image: People playing Ludo. (Credit: Dr. Transform Aqorau/file photo



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