Chairman Paul Sifoka. PHOTO: LESLEY FOINAGWA



Early 2021, 38-years-old Paul Sifoka was elected as chairperson for the Takwaisae community church committee, the first-ever youth to take up the position in his community, in West Kwaio, Malaita Province.

Sifoka said as a young person tasked to lead the community in issues relating to the local church has its own challenges.

“The experience gained is rewarding at the same time comes with its own challenges.

 “Sometimes, I need more time to plan what I think is best for the people.

“I have many sleepless nights thinking about how best I can come up with initiatives to keep the community most especially, youths busy.

Sifoka said one of their biggest challenges is financial assistance to get the work done in the church’s initiatives and projects.

He said the community does help out a lot with little financial contributions however it’s only suitable for small programs and not for big initiatives.

“We manage to purchase materials such as cement, steel road wire, and mesh wire with the little contribution by community members.

“I appeal to both the provincial and the national government to note our plight and support us in any ways possible.

Sifoka in the meantime urged the Takwaisae community to continue working together in this New Year 2022.


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