COURTS are open once again for Central Islands Province.
First Court Circuit for CIP 2022 at Tulaghi has been opened on Monday this week and will be held for two weeks (this week and next).
Magistrate Fatimah Taeburi received a ‘Guard of Honour’ by Central Islands Province (CIP) Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) for the opening of the Court Circuit said the day marks a very significant milestone in the history of ‘Justice’ delivery for the province.
Though Covid-19 has led to many limitations and restrictions on accessing justice services, Magistrate Fatimah Taeburi said the doors of the courts are open again as the people of the province can once again go forth with their grievances and disputes.
“May I take this opportunity to first congratulate the hardworking police officers of this province for the good work demonstrated in these hard times.
“I also make use of this opportunity to remind police officers of the significance of their role in society.
You enforce the laws of the nation, you prevent crimes, you respond to emergencies and you provide support services to the people. You must always discharge your duties and perform your work with the highest standards of professionalism, due diligence, and competence. There is no room for laziness, slackness, and negligence in the police force,” said Taeburi.
Magistrate Fatimah Taeburi during her message also raised a major sad concern over being informed that Yandina Police Station has not registered a single criminal case for the provincial court circuit.
“I was informed that the reason for that is because the police at Yandina were not able to prepare criminal complaints about the hearing. It is quite sad that the police in Yandina have failed or are unable to do their work to ensure that justice is administered to the people of the Russell Islands. The wheels of justice must continue to roll. The reason is very plain, the consequential effects otherwise will be devastating,” said Taeburi.
Magistrate Fatimah Taeburi said she trusts that the necessary actions will be taken and that in the upcoming court circuits to the province, criminal complaints will be brought to court and dealt with promptly.
“To conclude, I declare this court circuit open. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless us with knowledge wisdom and understanding to enable us to perform our duties. May he also give us strength and endurance to tirelessly do our work and may he also guide our paths in everything that we do,” said Taeburi.
The ceremony was witnessed by the Prosecutors from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Defence Counsels from the Office of the Director of Public Solicitor, Central Province RSIPF Officers, Provincial Secretary (PS) of CIP, CIP Provincial Government Staff, and general public.