Group photo with newly promoted staff after the formal announcement by CSSI Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Two officers of the Correctional Service Solomon Islands (CSSI) have recently been promoted to the rank of inspector and upper segment within the Force during a brief ceremony at the Rove Correctional Headquarters in Honiara.

Speaking during a brief ceremony, Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi told the officers, “Your promotions are challenging as you take on the new leadership positions to drive the CSSI.”

“Your promotions are significant for CSSI and the people of Solomon Islands. The future of CSSI is vested on your shoulders and you must lead by example and be a God-fearing person”.

“I as your Commissioner, I would like to say that the commitments and all of your inputs in the work, help our inmates, officers and citizens to show the result of stepping forward in your carrier”.

“Leadership comes with responsibilities, responsibilities come with challenges but as a team, we can archive our goals. The CSSI Strategic Directions and core values set a clear direction for us”, says Commissioner Manelusi.

The two promoted officers are: Senior Sergeant Chris Moli promoted to the rank of Inspector for Rove Central Correctional Centre and Superintendent Steve Machaiah received his upper segment promotion as the Commandant Tetere Correctional Centre.

Commissioner Manelusi again congratulates the two senior officers for their well-deserved promotions.

-CSSI Press


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