Siota Provincial Secondary School (SPSS). Photo: Barnabas Manebona


SIOTA Provincial Secondary School (PSS) has recorded an outstanding achievement having 22 of its Form Six students of 2021 securing placements for Form Seven in 2022.

This is yet another milestone and the highest record yet for the school since introducing Form Six level back in 2010.

With such an achievement, Siota PSS School Principal, Fr Patterson Tako proudly commend their Form Six Coordinator, Tutors, school Teachers and students for their academic success and a job well done.

“I thank the Form Six Coordinator and the school Teachers of Form Six, for their hard work in preparation and planning last year. For this year, the 2021 results for Form Seven 2022 is an effort of everyone, Tutors, students and the school management in working and cooperating together to achieve that result,” said Tako.

“The school has supported in terms of resources boosting the learning achievement of students, resulting in seeing us being happy over examination results for Central Islands Province [CIP] Premier School.”

Fr. Tako elaborated that Siota PSS currently has a new photocopy machine and also an improved telecommunication network so that the school connects globally for the purpose of learning for students to do online research for information in order to boost their learning.

“For that, I thank the national government through the support for school grants and other areas, and also to the parents and guidance for supporting as well on school fees and other contributions for the ongoing operation of the school. The surrounding communities at Belagha and Boromole for their continuous support towards the school in terms of labour work, maintenance work and marketing.

“It builds a relationship providing an environment that is conducive for the students learning, as discipline gets tougher as well.

“Since 2010 and 2011 when I first came to Siota PSS from St Stephen Pamua, we sent out our first Form Seven that is under the school record.

“Siota PSS started its first Form Six in 2010 with less support, especially in resources. However, from 2012 to this present, I must thank the Form Six Coordinator and the students for their hard work continuing with discipline and learning, paving their way forward.

“I am very proud that some of Siota PSS former Form Six students are in their white-collar jobs now as well,” said Tako.

Last week along with the support of school Teachers and accessorily Staff, Siota PSS School Principal said they have started cleaning up at the school as they are ready as to when government advice will be given for schools to start.

“Teachers should now be returning to the school to prepare for the start of the academic year,” said Tako.


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