GUADALCANAL Provincial Premier, Francis Sade has reiterated calls for the rural population in his Ward to get vaccinated and protect themselves against COVID-19.
Noting that there continues to be a significant level of vaccine mockery, Premier Sade said, unfortunately, a lot of people are guided by misinformation.
He said, “My good people of Saghalu, it is a must that you have to allow yourself to get a jab before any possible community transmission or outbreak of the covid-19.
“You might hear rumors across the nation mocking the vaccine and you might get confused to get a jab, but you have to get your vaccination,” said Prmier Sade, who is the Member for Saghalu Ward, North West Guadalcanal.
On Sunday – 31 October, the Premier made engagements with communities of Saghalu Ward, North West Guadalcanal, commending those who have already been vaccinated and encouraging those who have not.
Premier Sade pointed that Guadalcanal has been reported to be one of the slowest provinces in terms of the vaccine role out.
“I urge you to become the frontline out of every ward in Guadalcanal.”