Home Media MASI President Kekea Calls Journalists Unsung Heroes

MASI President Kekea Calls Journalists Unsung Heroes



JOURNALISTS as unsung heroes who tirelessly uncover truth, hold powerful individuals accountable, and provide voice to the voiceless in the Solomon Islands, MASI President Gina Kekea said.

The Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) President said as we gather on this significant occasion – 2024 World Press Freedom Day – it’s imperative that we take a moment to reflect on the essential role that journalists and media professionals play in our society.

“As we gather on this significant occasion, it’s imperative that we take a moment to reflect on the essential role that journalists and media professionals play in our society. They are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly day in and day out to uncover the truth, hold the powerful accountable and give voice to the voiceless. Their unwavering commitment to seeking and reporting the truth, often in the face of adversity, is a cornerstone of any functioning democracy,” expressed President Gina Kekea during 2024 World Press Freedom Day breakfast function at the Heritage Park Hotel in Honiara on Friday 3 May.

She said today, we honor journalists who persist in their pursuit of journalistic excellence, demonstrating courage, resilience, and unwavering dedication to their profession despite numerous challenges.

“Today, we pay tribute to the journalists who, despite facing numerous challenges, remain steadfast in their pursuit of journalistic excellence. We acknowledge their courage, resilience and unwavering dedication to their profession.

“Whether reporting on the frontlines of natural disasters, investigating corruption or shining a light on social injustices, journalists play a vital role in shaping our understanding of the world around us. In Solomon Islands, where conflict zones are absent but challenges like climate change, environmental degradation and socio-economic disparities persist, the role of journalists becomes even more significant.

 “They are the voice of the people, bringing to light the issues that affect our communities, our environment and our future. Through their dedication and commitment to truth, they provide us with valuable insights and perspectives, empowering us to make informed decisions and take meaningful action.

“It is also essential to recognize the critical role played by public relations officers in facilitating the flow of information between organizations and the media. Your collaboration and partnership with journalists are instrumental in ensuring that accurate and timely information reaches the public. By working together, we can foster greater transparency, accountability and public trust,” Kekea said.



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