PWDSI Officers handed over some of the items to an individual with special needs. PHOTO SUPPLIED.


Around Three hundred people with special needs have been supported by the office of the People with Disability Solomon Islands with food and hygiene items recently.

This was made possible by the Australian Humanitarian partners and aligned partners who donated the much-needed items to the most vulnerable during this covid-19 time.

People with Disabilities Solomon Islands Office manager, Mr. Caspar Fa’asala said their programs are hindered by Covid, however, he said he said he was happy with the progress so far.

‘‘Basically, they were provided with Rice, first-grade blue label tuna, Colgate, and other hygiene items for both men and women,’’ he explained.

PWDSI Officers handed over some of the items. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

The fact that there is no updated data for people living with disabilities in Honiara and more new registered COVID cases has prompted the call for more support.

“We realized that when we supply the goods according to the list we took last year during the riot, people are now coming forward to register many of their handicapped people living in Honiara. However, we are making a new request to partners to consider if they could help us to complete the list for supplying goods to citizens with special needs recently registered.

“So we are still waiting for a response from our partners and our supporters to let us know as and when to provide us additional supplies,’’ said Fa’asala.

PWDSI Officers handed over some of the items to an individual with special needs. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

He also called on the Ministry of Health and Medical Services to provide them with the latest and updated data that would enable the PWDSI office to accurately distributed goods amongst people with disabilities in Honiara.

“The one provided by CBR is invalid or outdated and its need to be reviewed which is a responsibility of the MHMS to provide us with the accurate data, so we can be able to make a request to donors so they supply adequate supplies for the identified ones,’’ he said.

The PWDSI office manager also appeals to caretakers, family members, and guardians of people with disabilities at least to established contacts with their office should there be a need.


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