Photo credit @ Solomon Tower Limited

THE Government is on track in delivering on its policy mandate to increase connectivity and accessibility for its citizens in the telecommunications sector through the National Broadband Infrastructure flagship project (SINBIP).

Minor Delays in SINBIP implementation

In early this 2024, the pace of project implementation was slightly slower than expected due to emerging technical and safe guard issues together with continuous bad weather conditions. However, it STL has now picked up momentum with a total of 13 sites on Guadalcanal and one VSAT site on Russel Islands now all on air with impressive uptake of both voice and data (SMS & video) since their successful completion and connection through the Solomon Telekom Company core network earlier. The latest connected mobile tower site is the Nukufero tower site, in the Russel Islands, which is a VSAT site, using a 1.8 meter dish. The Nukufero VSAT based mobile site came on air as of 26th September 2024. The coming on air of the VSAT mobile site at Nukufero was greatly welcomed by the Nukufero community and nearby villages, as this was their first time in decades for the community to be connected to the outer world through internet services. The Nukufero community thanks the national government for initiating the SINBIP. They note that mobile services have the potential to positively affect sustainable development, acting as a tool to decrease information gaps and empower them. They also noted that beyond basic connectivity, the technology allows overcoming the lack of physical infrastructure such as roads and landlines. One teacher from Nukufero Community High School called and reported that the mobile service will enable more people to have access to information around the clock. In this way the increase of availability and accessibility of mobile technology aligns well with GNUT policy to leave no-one behind ideal of sustainable development.

The government aims to construct about 161 3G/4G broadband mobile towers under the SINBIP around the country using both Microwave and VSAT backhaul connections to the Solomon Telekom Ltd core in Honiara. Most of the mobile towers will use green solar energy and will be accommodated in a specific fenced area based on the tower design.

Tower Construction in 3 Phases

The government will construct the mobile towers in three phases over a 3-year period. Phase 1 (1st year) covers the construction of mobile towers in Guadalcanal, Central, and Isabel Provinces; phase 2 (2nd year) covers Western and Choiseul Provinces; and phase 3 (3rd year) covers Malaita, Makira, and Ulawa; and Temotu and Renbel Provinces, which are approximately 42, 68, and 51 towers, respectively.

The construction of the mobile towers in Guadalcanal province had progressed really well, with 13 mobile sites now on air. Work on the remaining sites is currently underway, and are expected to be completed and on air in the months ahead. Work on the mobile towers in both Central and Isabel Provinces is also progressing according to schedule, and are expected to be completed and on air by the end of December 2024.

STL plans to start work on the Second Phase of the SINBIP, which covers mobile tower sites in both the Choiseul and Western Provinces in late October 2024. Work on the Third phase, which covers Malaita, Makira & Ulawa, Temotu and Renbel Province will commence in the first quarter of 2025. The GNUT Government aims to complete the construction of the 161 mobile tower sites under the SINBIP before the end of 2026.

SINBIP is an important infrastructure development

In delivering his keynote address during the launching of the Sali tower on 22nd March 2024, the caretaker PM Sogavare, had described the occasion as ‘another great day’ for all citizens as the Solomon Islands National Broadband Infrastructure Project (SINBIP) would greatly improve telecommunication services in the country.

The GNUT government acknowledges all landowning groups of the 13 completed mobile tower sites on Guadalcanal, and Nukufero site Russel Islands for offering their land and assisting the project technical team to enable the tower to go live for the first time. The Government strongly encouraged other landowning groups in the country to also allow their lands, especially in areas where the project technical team had identified to build the tower sites on earlier.

Ownership of tower infrastructures

In terms of ownership, the government had already established Solomon Islands Tower Company Ltd, trading as “Solomon Tower Limited” (STL), as the State-Owned Enterprise to own and manage the tower sites. The STL Office is located in the Eastern Wing (upstairs) of the Solomon Post building. Both the Ministers of Communication and Aviation (MCA), and Finance and Treasury (MOFT) are the two shareholders of STL, on behalf of Solomon Islands government and people.

Commercial Agreement with Solomon Telekom Ltd

STL also expects to commence the commercial negotiation agreement with Solomon Telekom Company Limited (STCL) in early November 2024. This agreement will cover the sharing of revenues on all mobile calls and data usage from and to all towers built under the SINBIP. STL hopes to use parts of these revenues to service the loan obtained from the Exim Bank of China. MCA is the lead government Ministry in working closely with STL and MOFT, to ensure that both the policy and technical aspect of the project are successfully met.

SINBIP is a successful PPP arrangement

The GNUT Government sees the SINBIP as a good Private Public Partnership (PPP) model, not only in the country, but also in any South Pacific country, in the age of digital transformation. STL looks forward to also talk with other local telecommunication operators, ISPs and other relevant TV operators who wish to utilize the tower space on lease basis in a win-win commercial arrangement.

SINBIP will improve mobile coverage & SDGs

In terms of mobile coverage, STL expects the project to cover another 200,000 of our people thereby increase nationwide coverage to more than 80%. This improved coverage will benefit not only the government, but also the private sector in the areas of e-education, e-health, e-government, e-commerce. This should enable Solomon Islands to meet most of the SDGs that we have been struggling to meet over the years.

Improved mobile coverage to enhance SI Digital Economy

The successful completion of the SINBIP, and improvement is mobile coverage would also enable the government to further enhance the Solomon Islands’ Digital Economy.

This PPP model (Donor, Government, operators-services providers) is an efficient way of sharing telecommunication infrastructure with both Solomon Telekom Ltd, BMobile, ISPs and other relevant players in the sector. The GNUT Government strongly believes that the SINBIP provides a golden opportunity to participate in delivering effective services to the people of Solomon Islands in a win-win situation.


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