Ms. Doris Raumae graduated with a master’s degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management from the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (left) and Mr. Luke graduated with a master degree in Environmental Management from the University of Kitakyushu in Japan (right). Photo Credit: JICA Solomon Islands

THE JICA Solomon Islands Office is excited to introduce two participants in the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (long-term) training who just recently graduated with their masters degree from universities in Japan.

Prior to applying for the JICA SDG’s Global Leaders Master’s Program in 2020, Ms. Doris Raumae worked as a senior tourism officer within the Department of Tourism and Culture in Makira Ulawa Provincial Government.

She was accepted for JICA SDG’s scholarship and was scheduled to travel to Japan in September 2021. However, it was during the height of COVID-19 that traveling was much harder.

As a result, the university accepted her to study online for the first six months. Indeed, studying online wasn’t easy for her, but with her strong determination, she completed her first six months online and traveled to Japan in April 2022.

On September 15, 2023, she graduated with a master’s degree in tourism and hospitality management from the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.

Today, we would like to celebrate with her the successful completion of her studies and congratulate her on this fine achievement.

Before applying for JICA SDG’s scholarship in 2020, Mr. Luke worked as a senior environment officer within the Department of Environment and Conservation at the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Meteorology.

Mr. Luke Mae got accepted for JICA SDG’s Global Leaders Scholarship and traveled to Japan in November 2021, amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic. The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic did not stop him from chasing his dream of pursuing his master’s degree in Japan under JICA SDG’s Global Leaders Program.

All the sleepless nights have paid off. On September 25, 2023, he graduated with a master degree in environmental management from the University of Kitakyushu in Japan. We would also like to congratulate Luke for his tremendous effort. Despite the many challenges he encountered, the completion of his study proved that nothing is impossible.

JICA is committed to investing more in the human resources of this country as a way forward to develop a professional human resource workforce in the Solomon Islands. Hence, we believed that the knowledge and skills the participants acquired from their studies in Japan were invaluable, which they will utilize to make positive impacts in the fields of tourism development and environmental management in the Solomon Islands going forward.


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