THE Leader of Opposition Matthew Wale has found the recent allegations of payments to High Court officials, very alarming. According to the Opposition Leader, such allegations must be investigated and dealt with swiftly.

Speaking on the gravity of the issue, Hon. Wale expressed that ‘it is very disturbing to hear corruption allegations linked with the High Court of Solomon Islands’.

“These allegations are very serious because the High Court of Solomon Islands stands at the forefront of the administration of justice and the upkeep of the rule of law.

The Opposition Leader went on to warn that as the Institution which upholds justice and the rule of law, the High Court must not be seen by the public as susceptible to the sways of corrupt practices.

According to the Leader of Opposition, the Courts being invulnerable to corruption is crucial to the maintenance of public confidence in the Judicial system.

In the words of Hon. Wale, “the relationship between the Court and the community is one of trust. This relationship however is at stake, when the integrity, competency, independence and impartiality of the Court comes into question”.

Therefore, while recognizing that these are still allegations, Hon. Wale stressed that swift action be taken to quickly rectify any damage done to the public’s perception of the Judiciary.

Opposition Press


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