Home Business YECSI Successfully Host Bootcamp Entrepreneurship Training

YECSI Successfully Host Bootcamp Entrepreneurship Training


The young Entrepreneurs Council Solomon Islands has successfully ended a three (3) days bootcamp entrepreneurship training on Thursday at Haodaikirio Homestay located in the highlands of Central Kwara’ae for 30 young aspiring entrepreneurs in Malaita province, specifically Auki LangaLanga and Central Kwara’ae constituency.

The Bootcamp training is supported by Australia’s Strongim Bisnis program under the Solomon Islands-Australia Economic Partnership.

Malaita Provincial Youth Council president Mr. Philip Subu in his closing remarks thanked the Australian Government through Strongim Bisnis for funding this bootcamp entrepreneurship training and acknowledge YECSI for making it available for young people in their rural communities to access such important and valuable training.

Malaita Provincial Youth Council president Mr. Philip Subu speaking to the participants. PHOTO: YECSI

He added that these participants are very fortunate to be given this training tools that will increase their entrepreneurship learning skills, he encourages all the participants to make use of the knowledge they gain over the cause of the 3 days training.

Speaking during the closing of the bootcamp training is also the MPA for Central Kwara’ae ward 29 Hon. Felix Boskoru. In his short remarks, he also thanked the Government of Australia through Strongim Bisnis for funding this Bootcamp training, YECSI Board and Secretariat, Malaita provincial youth council, Trainer Dr. Wale Tobata and the young people who’ve given their time to participate and learn from this entrepreneurship Bootcamp training. He encourages the participants to take onboard with them all the knowledge learned and tools they acquire over the past three days with trust, confidence and to continue to work together so that they can contribute effectively in making a change in their communities and Malaita province.

A participant receives his certificate. PHOTO: YECSI

Young Entrepreneurs Council Solomon Islands (YECSI) Board and Secretariat, would like to congratulate each and every one of the participants for their dedication and hard work over the past three days for their collective efforts in working together, creating new friendships, and finding common ground which is exactly the type of drive and mindset that young people need to move forward with.

YECSI Coordinator Maverick Seda in his closing remarks, express his heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed key donors for generously supporting this training program. It is through their unwavering commitment to investing in the potential of young leaders that this bootcamp training has ended successfully today.

“I would also like to extend a special thanks to the Strongim Bisnis initiative, which is supported by the Australian Government. Your valuable contributions have made this training possible, and we are truly grateful for your support, also I extend my acknowledgement to the Solomon Islands National Youth Congress for the collaboration in working with Malaita Provincial Youth Council.” YECSI Coordinator Maverick Seda added.

Young female participants poses with their certificates. PHOTO: YECSI

He also encourages all the participants to continue working together and see the value of such training “YECSI is immensely proud of all of you, and we remain committed to supporting you in any way we can. We invite you all to become part of the YECSI community and help us build our community, province, and country forward. With your continued dedication and commitment, we are confident that we can achieve great things.”

YECSI would also like to express its heartfelt gratitude to New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand High Commission- Honiara, Solomon Islands, Strongim Bisnis, Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce & Industry and our esteemed business partners Our Telekom, Solomon Ports, Solrais, Solomon Airlines, TONGS, Pacific Crown Hotel, Pasifiki HR, SINIS and Bmobile for their unwavering support and valuable contributions.

Participants during the bootcamp entrepreneurship training. PHOTO: YECSI

Their continued support has been instrumental in helping YECSI achieve its goals and overcome various challenges.

Once again, congratulations to all the 30 participating young aspiring entrepreneurs for all their hard work and accomplishments over the past three days. YECSI wish them all the best in their future endeavors.




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