Home Police and Court RSIPF Firefighters Capable to Deal with Chemical Incidents

RSIPF Firefighters Capable to Deal with Chemical Incidents

RSIPF firefighters conducting the hazmat course practical session at the Rove oval last Thursday. Photo by Police Media Unit

EIGHT firefighters from the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force Fire and Rescue Services are now qualified to deal with chemical-related hazardous material incidents.

This is possible after they completed a Hazardous Material Response course at the Central Fire Station last week.

The four-day course covered; Hazmat response, gas detection, neutralizing acids and alkalis, identifying hazardous materials, breathing apparatus usage, de-contamination at hazmat incidents, utilizing RSIPF Forensics detectors to identify unknown substances.

Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Fire and Rescue Services Director, Superintendent Stephen Dekyi, said hazmat incidents are increasing in Honiara as companies bring chemicals into the country for their operations.

Superintendent Dekyi, who also attended the training, said the training is important because his officers are now equipped with new capabilities to be able to respond to not only fire but also chemical incidents.

RSIPF firefighters who completed the Hazmat Technician Level course. Front-center is the RAPPP Advisor Gary Power. Photo by Police Media Unit

He said he is delighted that his firefighters are now capable of dealing with dangerous and toxic substances.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP), through the RSIPF-AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP), supported the delivery of the training.

AFP has been providing support to the RSIPF Fire and Rescue Service under a secondment arrangement with the Fire Rescue New South Wales (FRNSW).

Inspector Gary Power of FRNSW, who is the RAPPP Advisor to the RSIPF Fire and Rescue Service under the secondment arrangement, co-ordinated and facilitated the training.

Inspector Power said hazmat response is a key Fire Service capability that needed further development and enhancement.

He thanked the RSIPF firefighters for their interest and active participation in the course.

“The officers who completed the course are now the only RSIPF Fire and Rescue Services trained Hazmat Technicians and they should be very proud of their achievements,” Inspector Power said.

The RSIPF firefighters who completed the training were presented with Hazmat Technician Level Certificates at the conclusion of the training course last Thursday.



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