CENTRAL Islands Province (CIP) is planning ahead for a second ‘cargo supply’ run mainly on food to address the situation of ‘food shortage’ for its people.

The Provincial Emergency Operating Centre (PEOC) of CIP made this known last night as plans should be expected to take place by next week.

As experienced over the two weeks delay of the first shipment to the province that caused a bit of impatience amongst the people, CIP’s PEOC and the Provincial Disaster Operation Centre (PDOC) has given assurance that they will improve in this area of concern.

“We are currently looking forward for a second trip and will try to improve on ‘failures’ experienced from the first trip causing delay to its earlier expected arrival,” The PEOC statement said.

Meanwhile, people of CIP through Ngella’s social media platform the ‘Ngella Forum (NgF) are encouraged to contact the shipping company engaged if they want to send cargoes on the next planned trip.

Having the first cargo run with LC ADIWAITUI arriving at Tulaghi on Monday this week, people from Savo and Ngella villages are reported travelling to Tulaghi to get their goods from the vessel and also to purchase goods.

To the people of Russell and Savo Islands, the PDOC of the province assures them too that they are not forgotten as they will look into their issue of food supply as well.


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