Provincial Disaster Operation Centre (PDOC) of Central Islands Province (CIP) appreciates all contributions towards the arrival of cargo supplies ‘mainly food’ at Tulagi recently.

The much-anticipated arrival of cargo supplies in the previous week at CIP was a relief for the province and its people since ‘food shortage’ is becoming an issue.

According to the Chairman of PDOC through their Provincial Emergency Operating Centre (PEOC), they are currently looking forward for a second trip and will try to improve ‘failures’ experienced from the first trip causing delay to its earlier expected time of arrival.

Those that are acknowledged includes the Oversight Committee, Solomon Islands National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), National Disaster Council (NDC), National Disaster Operation Committee (NDOC), National Health Emergency Operation Centre (NHEOC), National Emergency Response Team (NERT), the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and media outlets namely, the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) and Sunday Isles.

Despite a bit of impatience towards the delay of the first shipment, PDOC also appreciate the people’s behaviour throughout the past two weeks over the updates of cargo supplies to be transported.

As the first cargo supplies were only transported to Tulagi, PDOC sends out a message to the people of Russell and Savo islands that they are not forgotten as they will look into their issue as well.

“The committee will look into your issue as well. Also to our local commodities farmers’, the committee is seriously looking into this area too on how we will address you. Thank you and pass on the information, ‘Umi Tugeda against Covid-19’,” said PDOC.

The Premier of CIP Hon Stanley Manetiva in appreciation of the arrival of LC ADIWAITUI also said ‘thank you’ to Dalgro Logistics, LC ADIWAITUI owner and Crews, CIP’s PDOC, health team, Provincial Administration, RSIPF and others who have helped one way or another.

“Finally at our shore, frustrations and discouragements are gone. Now is a time of getting our basic needs for our respective households,” said Manetiva.


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