Catechist Colman I'agwaru. PHOTO: LESLEY FOINAGWA

BY LESLEY FOINAGWA in West Kwaio, Malaita Province

A senior catechist, Colman I’agwaru along with four other catechists of Takwaisae community in the West Kwaio region of Malaita Province was moved when they were presented with gifts during the end-year holiday last year, 2021.

Speaking emotionally when accepting the gifts, Mr. I’agwaru said he thank the community especially his wife and children who stood behind his back and support him every step of the way, it has not been an easy journey.

He said vowing to take up a role as a catechist in a community is not an easy task.

“You have to work hard together with the community and sacrifice most of your private time to engage with people in the community. As a family man, it’s tough and needs all the support you can get. Many times, my family is concerned when I was too busy engaging in community activities and I don’t have some private time to rest myself,” Mr. I’agwaru stressed.

“At times, I just wanted to quit and gave up working as a catechist because of negative comments by some people but I prayed to God and put my trust in him despite those challenges,” he said.

Mr. I’agwaru worked as a senior catechist for almost twenty years now at Takwaisae community, and he stated that it has been a rewarding experience earning him not just spiritual but also values that have benefited him to reach the stage where he is fully satisfied indeed with his role as a community catechist.


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