CENTRAL Islands Province Provincial Government level is currently operating under a ‘Contingency Warrant’.
And, the ongoing ‘Saga’ of Central Islands Province (CIP’s) Provincial Public Accounts Committee (PPAC) tendering resignation in March early this year due to disapproval with the current Executive government continues.
This time, the four CIP resigned PPAC members have responded to Premier Stanley Manetiva’s response to their issue after stating that the province has lost 60 percent of its capital Provincial Capacity Development Funding (PCDF) because of their action.
Chairman of the resigned PPAC members, the Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) for Ward 8 at Northwest Ngella Hon Polycarp Galaigu points out that it is the ‘unprofessional approach by the Premier that has cost the province on the PCDF cut.
“This includes the non-passing of Financial Year (FY) 22/23 Provincial Budget.
“The PPAC Chairman in response on behalf of the PPAC members over Hon Premier’s ‘Media Releases’ would like to acknowledge the Hon Premier of CIP for informing the province of why the budget did not pass.
“But, elaborates that it will be more interesting to hear the root cause of why the PPAC didn’t convene the PPAC meeting required under the Order for the people of CIP to know the type of government leadership their Province has in this 11th Assembly.
“First of all we the resigned PPAC of CIP [Hon Polycarp Galaigu the MPA for Ward 8 at Northwest Ngella- Chairman, Hon Kenneth Sagupari the MPA for Ward 2 at Central West Ngella- Vice Chairman, Hon James Kaka the MPA for Ward 1 at Sandfly Bonevesta, and Hon Jay Rotaua the MPA for Ward 10 Pavuvu], regret to inform the Province at large to see us as the cause of the none passing of the Provincial budget and the claimed budget by the Premier as the budget of the people.
“But we have to look at both sides of the story before we could have a harmonized conclusion, hence as PPAC resigned Members and elected leaders of our Province and people, we want to clear our side on the very reasons for our resignation
“Section 199 – 214 of the Order stipulates what type of committee the ‘Public Accounts’ is and its Powers, functions, and other areas related for fully functioning of the Province that needs to be respected. As the Mandated Committee of the Provincial Assembly and the Provincial budget to be passed, is legally required to go through the scrutiny of this Committee [PPAC].
“Public Accounts Committee step taken resulting of the none passing of the budget and losing of PCDF 60 percent estimated around $3m is seen by the current ruling government as a hijack to the Province, but let me assure the Province and our people that we believe that this step is necessary to put the Province in the right direction and set a precedence for any future government not to follow this path again.
“Hence, this issue should be resolved already in the first place but due to his [Premier] unprofessional leadership attitudes and style of addressing such issues, it resulted in non-passing of the budget, and we can confirm this through the Hon Speakers response to him when he instructed the Speaker not to accept our resignation and asked the Speaker to advise us to revoke our resignation.
“As resigned PPAC members of the Provincial Assembly, we want to say to the people of CIP that our resignation is just the tip of the iceberg as a lot is going on in the Province that people need to know even though we are termed in the report on position Number (1).
“Only time will tell the manifestation of these things going on in the Province as it said in the Bible “what’s hidden in the dark will one day show in the light”.
“First our resignation as based on these key areas, we see it breaches almost all the guiding policies, orders, and ordinances in which the Province is operating even though these issues are repeated in almost every PPAC meetings and Assembly meetings since 2019 till now.
“It has become evident to us as executives and administration issues of serious considerations have miserably failed over and over again and these are; Development Budget issues, Procurement issues and PPAC Standing Order (SO) mandate Issues.
“1. Unfair Distribution of PCDF Projects of the 13 Wards of Central Province:
“The truth is that all the PPAC members and the non-executive members did not implement any PCDF projects since the current ruling government took office.
“It is a hot debate on Assembly floor since the 11th Assembly first seating and PPAC first seating in 2019 till now, only the executive know the reason of such.
“By law, it is a must for rollover projects within the three years rolling plan is passed [from the previous Assembly] under PCDF prioritized funding before any new projects, but in our case, new projects of the executive have been funded leaving Non-Exco rollover projects left out.
“As Ward representatives of the Province, we see PCDF for the whole of Central Province but in our case, PCDF is just for the Provincial Executive and Hon Premier to use it to hold his government number just for political ambitions.
“We the leaders expect in a little way for at least our Wards receive a share of PCDF to address issues encountered by our people for so long but it is not in our case as a Province.
“We understand that due to Coronavirus (Covid-19) our PCDF budget is cut by a certain percentage, but to leave out rollover projects of the non-executive and fund new projects under the executive only even though knowing very well that these projects need urgent attention does not go down well with us.
“Hence, some of the non-executive Wards least benefited from such funding compared to other Wards who benefited three to four times than others.
“Example Tulagi Ward represented by Hon Premier Stanley Manetiva almost benefiting from the full part of PCDF allocation fail to know that 90 percent of Tulagi population is not Central Province origin leaving out the very people of the Province who also need those services.
“We do not want to hear excuses saying that Tulagi Ward is allowed to use 20 percent of PCDF to upgrade and improve administrative buildings.
“What about so long forgotten substations in the Province that need serious considerations? Or is it meant for Tulagi only using part of 75 percent of PCDF meant for all 13 Wards?
“To clarify to our people and respected Wards, the projects mentioned by the Premier in his press release are not fully funded under PCDF and some are not captured in the budget.
“Until PPAC members resigned before the executive government tried to negotiate by inserting amendments but will have to go through the process again, and not just through shortcut as proposed by the Executive and Administration.
“Therefore, to make it fair to all the 13 Wards and to fulfill the Hon Premier’s common phrase of leaving no one behind, let us all face and receive the same results, that is unity, ‘we rich together,
we poor we go poor together as a Province’.
“2. Yandina Water Tanks failed Project continuously funded:
“This is a long-overdue failed Project which was approved in 2019/2020FY.
“The people of Banika had complained why the case was not reported to the police for investigation.
“The PCDA informed the Assembly during the budget review that he does not know how the money was raised and paid out when there is no Monitoring and Evaluation carried out on the project.
“The contractor already signed the contract for the project and it is a surprise why such project is not delivered to the people and being paid 60 percent more than two progressive payments already even though there are no Tanks at the site.
“The PPAC and Assembly members always raise this issue in the meetings but the usual answer is legal actions will be taken.
“But since 2019 till now, no legal actions are taken even though there is an allocation in PCDF of 5 percent that can take care of such issue.
“Hence, to our surprise in 22/the 23FY draft Budget, $60,000.00 was endorsed by the Executive under Works Division to cover the cost of recovering the lost fund by the Manetiva led government and the administration which is unfair to other Wards missing out in such funding since 2019.
“And, we call on the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening [MPGIS] not only to investigate this project but to do so in PCDF expenditures as a whole in Central Province.
“The Province will have to cover this cost but those involved will walk away with thousands of dollars if this is not addressed, and to be frank, it is not only our duty to investigate such practices but it is the current ruling government’s responsibility to take actions as a matter of good governance to address this issue.
“However, they have failed to do so because maybe they are also involved in the project’s discrepancies.
“Thus, it is a matter of urgency to take legal actions against those involved in the failed project and halt funding till recovery of the lost amount.
“3. Market to Chamber Road Funding
“This road was included in the capital project with the cost of $400 plus thousands. Was tendered and the winning bidder was announced, but to the surprise of many people, the contract was given to a close associate of the Provincial Secretary [PS] of CIP who ran away because the work was signed and paid directly to the PS who will instead take the money before paying Association and employees.
“The contract for the road was owned by the PS of CPG, and for the same road, $50,000 was taken from the ESP Covid-19 fund under the PS’s initiative instead of the Executive endorsement which we see as un-procedural allocation that should be done by the executive.
“$20,000 again was approved by the Assembly for the same road through virements from Town Council allocation subheadings, after they also took the retention money and used materials belonging to Town council activities admitting that it was due to shortage of materials but there has never been any reimbursement to date, is this right?
“We see this project as a fail project because concrete made for the road is already broken less than a year.
“This is a result of poor design and the contractor working is not qualified.
“The worst part is the machinery used belongs to the Province as well and the work is done on labor bases.
“So almost more than $400,000 has been spent but of poor quality as funds other Wards should benefit from is just wasted on the poor road of low quality.
“The PS himself admitted in the last PPAC meetings that due to funds exhausted, he used funds under the ESP, and hardware materials from other divisions to complete the project.
“Hence, the project is funded under PCDF and CPG capital budget which we believe is sufficient enough to complete the project.
“However, the project was not completed as funds from the recurrent budget were used to complete the project, which is only right to upgrade, improve, or maintain the road rather than funding the new project.
“4. Tulaghi Commercial Centre Project Continuously Rollover
“This project is a failed project and we believe the Province is already penalized for it in the past, however, still, it has been prioritized in this 11th Assembly for funding and completion rather than funding of new projects needed by other Wards for urgently needed services.
“The contractor of the building failed to complete this project within the scheduled timeframe. This same project keeps rolling over and over every Financial Year.
“We also note that during the project period of the current contractor, he bought lands in Tulaghi from people even though the lands are just in the offer stage with no title and built houses including at his home village, building private houses equipped with video disc interior, flush toilet, and kitchen.
“Hence, the very reasons of those rollover projects are also because of contractors none commitment, and hardware materials of projects are diverted for other personal usage and cronies.
“Around the same period, the PS of CPG also built two classic houses, one at his home village and another at Tulaghi.
“The Premier too also built four new houses at his private residence at Tulaghi and of course the TR big rest house.
“While these are good individual developments of these three top leaders, it raises a lot of questions speculating by the public that PCDF funds could be involved in funding such properties because to have such properties you must have money in millions but looking at these top leaders, their salaries would not match such, even though if they obtain bank loans.
“On this same sentiment, these three top leaders are also given the privilege of land title at Tulaghi township in the recent title offer by the ministry of lands board even though hundreds of poor people and hardworking provincial workers serving the province for so long applying for a piece of land have been neglected over and over again.
“Hence, we are not surprised by such practice because Tulaghi is just operated as a family business or operation by these top leaders.
“5. Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and Provincial Tender Board Conflict of Awarded Preferences
“These committees have breached almost every processes and procedure of the FMO and PCDF manual.
“There are many cases in which the TEC made recommendations for contractors who met all requirements and qualified enough to meet project results according to their checklist.
“However, to our surprise, awards for most projects in the Province under PCDF are given to different contractors yet by the PTB, especially contractors in which the PTB and Executive government have interests in, resulting in very slow project completion, high variations, and continuous rollover of projects for many years.
Hence, TEC is a qualified committee with expertise that knows very well which contractors are fitted for such projects for its successful completion.
“The case of such is the contractor who did not deliver the Yandina Water Tanks project. On this note, the committee involved with contractors in the adjustment of project plans after signing of Projects is a serious matter of concern, maybe or maybe not to the knowledge of the contractors, such practice is done for the small Tulaghi hospital Ablution block worth $340 plus thousands, which should be supposed to cost less if the plan is adjusted.
“This poses a great concern of investigation for such small projects with a big value of money.
“6. ESP Covid-19 Allocation, $45,300.00 for Hakama Farm
“Under the allocation of the ESP endorsed by the executive government and passed by the Assembly, $50,000.00 was captured in the budget FY 20/21 for Hakama Farm, unfortunately only $4,700.00 has been confirmed by the Agriculture Division received to date.
“Why the remaining balance is not paid to Hakama is unclear when it was passed since 2020/21FY.
“Information obtained during PPAC from the PS of CPG and TR, the money is still kept in the Provincial Account even though the agriculture team needs the money.
“It remains a big question now of this allocation.
“On this same sentiment, $100,000.00 is given to Siota PSS for water and sanitation project.
“However, in a sad reality it is like only part of the money is being used to build one each small ablution for boys and girls with no running water at the time of opening.
“Hence, the big value of money is given with small outputs raising questions of fund mismanagement which we believe the ruling government and administration know of this.
“7. PDOC $90,000.00 Allocation Paid Directly to PS CPG from NDMO
“This money was paid by the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) to assist the Provincial Disaster Operation Centre [PDOC] to monitor the Corona situation in CIP.
“The money was raised and paid directly to the PS of CPG and never paid to the Provincial Account even though it is a public fund, and used as daily allowances.
“Hence, the PS of CPG went to buy more than 100 plus bags of rice, transported it in the Police speed boat from Honiara to Tulagi, and sold them to people during the lockdown and travel ban periods.
“Our question is why this public fund is not reflected in the Province of no humanitarian support and no Covid-19 setups even though such big money is given to the Province.
“The Premier is well aware of this but had not raised any questions about its uses while the people in our Wards are suffering the effects of Covid-19.
“Such practice is believed to be practiced by the PS of CPG in the past for the same type of fund as we believe serious findings are needed.
“As far as we think, those in the system are also involved in the making even though they know very well that to pay Provincial Fund as personal payments is wrong.
“We ask those responsible to clarify this not only for Central Province but to the nation at large because it is not only wrong but misuse of funds and false reporting will be highly practiced once this kind of practice is allowed to happen.
“8. Fuel supply and Usage of Provincial Assets
“The Premier has his fuel depot and almost every fuel used for his Provincial running is taken from his depot.
“We had been informed that the invoices are given to a private fuel supplier who raises the requisitions for the payments of his fuel to the Provincial Treasury whose Payments is always the priority above every payment, and third party transactions against the FMO and a conflict of interest in his fuel depot for Provincial official purposes.
“The same with other Provincial Staff, the PS of CPG, Senior Accountant of CPG, and the Provincial Boat Driver of CPG, it is a serious breach to ‘FI’ to use provincial assets in this manner for personal usage such as the provincial depot for personal selling of fuel.
“Hence, it remains questionable if they declare or not their businesses to LCC, thus requesting responsible authorities to verify their business declarations.
“In all, Central Province Authorities know all of this but wish to remain silent because they are involved in such practices and fail to correct and rightfully take procure in such circumstances.
“It is also questionable whether they pay for provincial licenses for operating fuel depot or not.
“But to impose strong sanctions on our poor rural people for depot license while officials continue with free selling of fuel is bad. All provincial runs that need fuel are only taken from these officials’ depot as payments will be raised and signed by themselves.
“Thus the question is, whether we are going to allow all these to continue to happen or not? Let our rural people of Central Province answer this.
“9. Breaching of PPAC functions and Powers by the Ruling Government Policies Under SO:
“There are many concerns that we raised during the first quarter of FY21/22 unfortunately our findings were never been recorded by the Secretary.
“That is why we support the appointment of the new secretary to review and monitor the discrepancies and alleged activities done outside the SO, FMO, and PCDF manual.
“It is however unfortunate that the Administration and Executive have different preferences and cause the delay of recruiting the PPAC secretary.
‘Hence, there are many things we found out as PPAC but never been recorded by our secretary because of close affiliation to the Administration and Executive even though questioning of every payments submission of $4000 to $5000 per meeting beside the seating allowances convened meetings.
“Hence, PPAC in CIP is just used as a rubber stamp by the ruling government and administration for assessment formality fulfillment but lacks respect to the power and functions of the mandate committee under Assembly Standing Order.
“For example PPAC sometimes misses out on a few daily seating allowances even though there is an allocation on the budget and at times PPAC wants to visit project sites in the province purposely to see projects and question people as mandated in the SO have only been denied rights by the Authority.
“At this juncture, we regret to inform you our people of Central Province that our action taken is to save the Province in the long run.
“This is because few greedy leaders and officials are enjoying “all benefits for so long now. Maybe they never expected us to take such necessary actions, but the truth is for so many years passed, they have enjoyed millions of dollars intended for the rural poor people who struggle to access better services but are denied.
“Hence, you are given false and fabricated reports just to cover up all the corruption practices by the big fishes and led to believe reports of position Number (1), but you judge the development of the Province.
“On this note, we as PPAC resigned members cannot convene meetings just to give opportunities to the big fishes to continue enjoying the benefits of the Province while leaving the rest of the province victimized, we have to take such necessary action to stop them this way.
“It is true that there are other ways to address such grievances but in the case of CIP where money and power play, it just does not work even in small ways in requesting documents or transactions related issues that are always denied.
“So to put a stop, we knew the consequences of our actions on losing the 60 percent PCDF and non-passing of the budget.
“However, it does not make any sense to us that even when the budget is passed, there is no service delivery intended to our people similar to like there is no budget at all apart from only the ‘Ward Grant allocation’ which is mandated for all Wards.
“Thus, these issues have been raised over and over again in the Assembly but have fallen on deaf ears, and to this conclusion, we have no assurance of conviction that this government will take our concerns on board on behalf of our people unless or until a change of government and administration leadership.
In summary, Hon Galaigu said these issues raised are not just due to PCDF’s unfair distribution but it is an issue of the ruling government and administration’s failure in addressing what matters the most to the Province.
“Hence, most of our people are happy with our stand taken because they also feel the same as being left out from the provincial system for so long, being denied the rights to benefit from their resources and funds intended.
“The issue to solve the PPAC grievances leading up to resignation should have already been solved if the Hon Premier himself listened to the Speaker’s Office and humbly handled the situation in an amicable way.
“But because of being too emotional and having the pride to listen to advice, and to the extent harshly approaching everyone that wants to help in solving the issue once and for all, resulting in the non-passing of the budget.
“On this note, who is to blame? Because we the PPAC members are sick and tired of the old fashion politics the province is playing and if all that we have raised to the Executive government are addressed then there should not be any resignation in the first place.
“It is a mere cover-up to say that this government is a listening government which does not reflect it at all, and that’s the root cause of our resignation and nothing will change our stand as resigned PPAC members.
“Let us not serve only a few and leave the rest out of the picture as usually practiced in the Province. Thank you all for your patience in waiting to hear our side of the story but we hope you have seen the real picture of our resignation.
“And again, we call on the Ministry of Provincial Government to investigate Central Province PCDF expenditures. God Bless Central Province,” said Galaigu.
CIP Premier Hon Stanley Manetiva earlier on in Mid-April over this issue stated that the province has lost 60 percent of its capital PCDF funding from the government after the resignation of the Non-Executive Members of its PPAC in the 11th hour, described as appalling.
“As Premier, I respect their resignation option on the 11th or Zero hours with stated grounds in their Letters addressed to the Speaker.
“However, my office is appalled by the outcome by not having the Appropriation Budget Estimates for 2022/2023 financial year thru PPAC for reasons as stated on their resignation letters only,” said Manetiva.
By law, Mr. Manetiva said the PPAC must hold its hearing or scrutiny into the budget before it is sent to the provincial assembly by March 31.
“The non-executive members’ resignation at the last minute meant that they were unable to meet the deadline and CIP, which is the top-ranked province in the PCDF now loses 60 percent of funding of PCDF.
“Also, the province now operates on a contingent warrant until June.”
The Premier said unlike other provinces, his government has a clear majority of 7 MPAs as he is appalled by the action of the four MPAs of the PPAC resulting in their budget being delayed, affecting services to his people.
“As the Premier of Central Province, I wish to inform the good people of Central Province from the Russells, Savo, and Ngella group of Islands of the above matter.
“PCDF Ranking and Value of Capital Funding earned by Central Province Administration.
“CIP being a small Province is ranked no. position (1st )t after the PCDF Assessment for the previous years earned $5 million Solomon Dollars plus for its Capital Budget for the time being under SIG funding.
“Other Funding agents are yet to factor in their funding to be captured during the revised budget for 2022/2023 financial year,” said Manetiva.
The MPA for Tulaghi Ward 4 said more than $5 million of capital funding to the region of more than $10million is anticipated for this financial year.
“Consequences of Refusal, Resigning and Non-Sitting of Committee – by PPAC Members.
“PPAC scrutiny of the Appropriation Budget Estimates for 2022/2023 is a pre-condition to the Minister of MPGIS signing off the Provincial Budgets and budgets to be passed before or by 31st of March before the beginning of the new financial year being April 1.
“Under the PGSP and PCDF operations manual – it is a Minimum Condition and a Trigger Issue if PPAC does not scrutinize the Budget estimates and a PPAC Report not presented to Executive (for response in the Assembly) and Assembly for deliberations.
“Standing of PPAC Reports:
“As Premier, I wish to highlight here that the PPAC Reports are very important Reports to be considered by the Executive and Recommendations noted and where applicable to be taken on board for further improvements.
“As above in their powers and functions PPA, Committee has the power to summon the Premier, Provincial Ministers, Provincial Secretaries, and Treasurers or Provincial Advisors and Specialists to assist the members in the write up of the report. The Report will then be tabled in the Assembly.
“The assertion by the PPA Committee that their recommendations are not taken on board is an assumption that does not hold water as most of their recommendations when deliberating the Audit Reports are repeated on the PPAC Reports hence to say the Executive and Administration does not take on board PPA Committee Reports at all is not true.
“When the Province addresses the Audit Report Management Issues – effectively it addresses the PPAC Report.
“Numerous Attempts by Provincial Administration to convince PPAC to Convene: Despite the Provincial Secretary and Treasurer attempts to meet with the PPAC in trying to explain to them that Capital Funds under PCDF of 60 percent will be lost if PPAC does not convene will be a major loss for our people in the Provincial Wards.
“PPAC and Non-Executive Members PCDF/Government/Resilience Projects 2022/2023 FY:
“Whilst negotiating with PPAC members, my Executive Government agreed with PPAC members on the following projects for Non-Executive members for amendment in the Committee of Supply – their assurance was not lived up to convene the PPAC as required.
“Ward 1 – Ravu Clinic is included as a priority approved by the Executive $300,000-00
“Ward 2 – Kino (Haleta) Footwork Bridge is approved by the Executive $400,222-00
“Ward 10 – Point Six (Pepesala) Clinic is approved by the Executive $728,649-11
“Ward 8 – Boromole Water Supply has been approved by the Executive $300,000-00
“A total Value of $1, 1728,871.11 for non-executive PPAC members projects benefitting the minimum of 1,280 people of the above 4 wards with an estimated population as per Ward Profile Data 2017.
“Except for Ward 11 Lavukal and Ward 3 CEG (Rove), the non-executive PPAC members’ refusal and resignation from PPAC on the 11th hour when it is supposed to meet is a question that begs the people and the ruling 7 Provincial Executive Government of CIP and their MPA’s leadership integrity as required by SO 246 and 247 in that the public interest and needs should be the overriding interest as leaders.
“Resign PPAC Members Sees it Fit to Resign:
“As Premier, I respect their resignation option on the 11th or Zero hours with stated grounds in their Letters addressed to Speaker.
“However, my office is appalled by the outcome by ‘NOT’ having the Appropriation Budget Estimates for 2022/2023FY through PPAC for reasons as stated on their resignation letters only.
“It is illogical and contradictory to leadership, honourableness, and integrity as expected by SO 246 and 247.
“They opted to resign just days before the set date despite the ongoing negotiations and moving the Assembly Meeting dates to accommodate the PPAC meeting.
“The right to resign knowing very well the consequences has to be exercised in a manner as expected by a public leader.
“There is the loss suffered by the province in costs and people of the Wards have suffered the loss in projects to their villages as stated above.
“Standing of the Provincial Public Accounts Committee – Financial Oversight and WatchDog Role, Standing Order [SO] 199 – PPAC is a mandatory committee under Provincial Assembly.
“SO 201 PPAC Members should be from the Non-Executive MPAs not more than 7 or no less than 4 members, SO 200 PCDF Assessment Manual requires PPAC to meet at least 4 times a Provincial FY –a quorum of 3 SO 202, the Tenure in Office is the life of the Assembly, 4 years.
“SO 207, in addition to powers of all committees the Provincial Public Accounts Committee has specific power to call and examine public officers, Provincial Ministers, and any other person on any financial matter relating to the finances of the Provincial Government and the Province’s jurisdiction.
“Going Forward:
“All grievances and issues should be addressed or raised using formally recognized committees and official Lines of Communications.
“To all non-executive members, SO mandates that 4 of you should be in the PPAC for the upcoming Final Audit Report for the previous FY and the upcoming 60 percent cut in the Capital Budget session in June 2022.
“My Government will be working closely with MPGIS on the way forward to avoid such events being repeated not only for Central Province but for other Provinces may be in the future.
“I wish to assure my people that normal Services will continue and ongoing rollover projects will continue for completion. The 60 percent cut in PCDF funds will affect the new projects listed for this year 2022/2023 FY.
“As a result, the Provincial Budget cannot be tabled on the floor of Assembly hence as provided for by FMO Ordinance, the Province is currently operating under a Contingency Warrant for the next 3 months until a new budget is tabled in June 2022.
“I sincerely hope that such events are not repeated in the June Assembly Sitting.”
Meanwhile, people of CIP through social media’s Ngella Forum (NgF) have called on their provincial leaders to instead of trying to clarify what is happening, genuine attempts must be made to ensure that the issues causing the PPAC members to resign must be addressed.
“The practice of shifting the blame and counterclaim will not help. Our political culture as a province is the biggest stumbling block to the development progress of our province over the last 40 years. Enough is enough. We have to change the way we do things. That is to ensure that what is happening never happens again,” said NgF members.
Four of the PPAC members of CIP had tendered their resignation from their PPAC positions to the Office of the Speaker on March 22.
The PPAC was scheduled to meet on March 21 and 23 before the Full Assembly on March 24, 25, and 28 to pass the Budget for the final year of 2022-23 for the service delivery of CIP as intended.
However, upon arrival at Tulaghi provincial capital, three PPAC members tendered their resignation followed by another member later on the same day.