Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Solomon Islands (CSSI) Gabriel Manelusi paid an official visit to Tetere Correctional Centre (TCC) East Guadalcanal on June 17.
During his announcement Commissioner Manelusi updated TCC Management and staff on the projection of the organisation, as well as reinforcing the performance and professional standards for both his officers and inmates.
In relation to the staff, it shall be on capacity and capability development plan, restructuring and succession planning, rehabilitation and reintegration framework, the government policy priority, CSSI achievement for the six months and the broader Corrections infrastructure development plan.
Manelusi highlighted to his officers the key priority areas that focuses and collaborates with national government policies.
During their discussion, he emphasized the importance for TCC Management and staff to maintain a high level of discipline and professionalism.
In addition to that, he also acknowledged TCC inmates for genuine humble characters displayed towards the Correctional officers and their families.
“I value that character for unifying CSSI family in the love and peace of Jesus”, said Manelusi
On behalf of the delegation accompanying him, the Commissioner thanked Commandant TCC, Staff and inmates for their preparation for the official visit.
In due response, TCC Commandant Steve Machaiah thanked the Commissioner for his official visit and the powerful moral support rendered by his Directors.
-CSSI Press