STAFFS of the Correctional Service of Solomon Islands has successfully conducted a two day series of Gender Base Violence (GBV) workshop recently at the Correctional Service Headquarter, Rove in Honiara
The workshop is aimed at raising awareness among men on violence against family members including looking at why it happens and encouraging and building confidence in men to become involved in preventing family violence and other gender inequality behavior.
Director Family Affairs, Ministry of MWYCFA, Mr. Jackson Tasa said in his presentation on child policy & law (trafficking) your part is to maintenance to grow the future of your children
Mr. Tasa reminded officers that they need to befriend their children
“You need to take care of your children, you need to offer love for your children, and you need to provide shelter for your children at home,” he said
Fr. Thompson Tolei (ACOM) Evangelism officer in his presentation deliberated on how they “Do not use your power to cause violence but to use that power and authority to protect your wife and children at home” he said
He said husband and wife submit themselves to one another and submit to God because the love of husband and wife is found in God.
Women Development Division Training Coordinator Officer of the ministry of MWYCFA Thompson Araia said domestic violence may consist of a single act or a number of acts that form part of a pattern of behavior, even though some or all of those acts when viewed in isolation appear to be minor or trivial
“Domestic Violence is conduct committed by a person against another person with whom the offender is in a domestic relationship or the threat of such conduct that constitutes of any of the following; physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and economic abuse,” he said
The two-day workshop covered various topics including Family shared gender roles is a Christian duty, Family Health Safety Study (SIFHSS) findings, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), the effect of Gender Base Violence, Culture, Gender and, Power dynamics, National government commitment towards gender inequality
“How can you stop gender-based violence in your family/community, Safe net Referral Network, Child policy & law and Introduction to basic Human Right,” he said
Director Programs RCCC Inspector Jimmy Aega on behalf of the Commissioner’s office and his Executive staff acknowledged OXFAM for funding support towards this advocacy program through the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children, and Family Affairs which facilitated the program successfully.
-CSSI Press