The Ministry of Health and Medical Services would like to correct misunderstandings by some members of the public who took to the social media their thanks and praise towards the Philanthropist, Lady Potter for funding the CT scan machine following the CT scan service launch yesterday.

Lady Potter offered to assist the National Referral Hospital to mobilize funds via fundraisers to purchase the CT scan equipment and the Solomon Islands Government to only foot the cost of design and construction of the CT building.

This was highly appreciated by the government through the Ministry of Health, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the philanthropist was unable to mobilize the adequate resources to enable the purchase of the scan machine, therefore, the onus was on the Ministry of Health to procure and purchase the equipment.

In 2019 proposal for CT building and purchase of the equipment was submitted to the government which swiftly endorsed it with an allocation of 21 million SBD. The CT scan project was also a component of the NRH Business Case in which cabinet approved of in 2020.

The project then kicked off until its completion and operation this month.

This statement is issued to ensure we are all on the same page with the developments that is happening in the health sector and avoid as much as possible any misunderstandings.

-MHMS Press


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