THE coalition of political parties that formed the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) remains solid and united.

The DCGA issued the statement following a fake news that claims 28 Members of Parliament from the government are deserting DCGA.

The government statement says the government under the leadership of Honourable Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare is unshakeable and will not deter in its effort to steer the country clear from the COVID- 19 pandemic and ensuring the economy is sustained throughout this difficult time.

“The DCGA will not allow a handful of people with ulterior motives to undermine its effort to serve the people,” the statement added.

The DCGA statement says DCGA is committed to implement its redirection policies, which premised on two important objectives; to contain and eliminate COVID- 19 in a controlled environment and to stimulate the economy to ensure it remains afloat.

The statement further adds that to this date, Solomon Islands is one of the few countries in the world that effectively contained the pandemic from spreading into the communities. This feat is credited to government’s effective policy direction and implementation.

The same is said of the economy. While the extent of the effectiveness of the stimulus package is still to be determined through an on- going evaluation survey, early indicators revealed that the production of Timber, copra, cocoa and other commodities picks up significantly after the rollout of stimulus package . Business houses who benefit from the rental scheme under the stimulus package have remained in business as well and continue support the economy.

The positive impact of the stimulus package is expected to be fully felt across the economy once all the approved projects are funded and in full operation. DCGA remains committed to prioritise and implement its policies all in the interest of serving the people and the economy and will not deter in this endeavour.



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