Some of the East Kwaio Constituents in front of the newly opened office. Photo credit @ MRD Media

CONSTITUENTS of East Kwaio constituency (EKC) will now have easy access to vital government information and development assistance following the official opening of their new constituency office at Lunga, Thursday last week.

The inauguration of the new office space was graced by the Member of Parliament (MP) for EKC, Honourable Stanley Festus Sofu, with the event attended by EKC Honiara-based communities and working-class people, community leaders, church leaders, chiefs, constituents, representatives from the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) and invited guests.

The event signifies an important step forward for the constituency as the constituency office under the guidance of their Hon. MP Sofu with the support of his constituency officers commit to work together to facilitate and deliver government services to improve the lives of its constituents and communities.

“This occasion represents an important step forward for our East Kwaio Constituency. It provides us with a dedicated space where we can engage with our community and work together to improve the lives of our people.

Standing from left to right: MRD Deputy Secretary Corporate, Constance Wane, a Constituent Rep, CDO John Butaifai and MRD Director Governance, Noel Matea during the ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the new constituency office. Photo credit @ MRD Media

“This office is not only a place where our constituents can come for information and assistance but also a symbol of our shared dedication to progress. It is a space where we will listen to the voices of our community, understand their needs and work tirelessly to address them,” Constituency Development Officer (CDO), John Butaifai said.

Mr Butaifai further stated that the EKC office mission is to ensure that the people of East Kwaio have access to the resources and opportunities they deserve and he specifically thanked MP Sofu for his vision, leadership and the unwavering commitment to the people of East Kwaio and for facilitating the resources needed to establish the office.

MRD was also acknowledged for its support in the establishment of the office and for its ongoing support to rural development programs through its support for the constituencies. 

Mr Butaifai extended his appreciation to the constituents of East Kwaio for their patient, understanding and for entrusting his constituency office team under the leadership of MP Sofu to serve the people of East Kwaio for the next four years.

“Together we can build a brighter future for our community and we look forward to working hand-in-hand with each of you. This office will be a place of progress, unity and opportunity for all,” CDO Butaifai said.

MRD through its Deputy Secretary Corporate Services, Constance Wane commended MP Sofu for his leadership and vision in ensuring EKC is equipped and supported with an administrative office in Honiara to enable constituents to engage effectively with constituency officers to access rural development programs the office has to offer for its people.

Ms Wane also took the opportunity to remind the constituency officers to always conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the values and principles of the public service.

“May this office deliver services that are just, fair and equitable to the people of East Kwaio.”

Ms Wane also assured the EKC officers that MRD is always committed to ensure the office have all the necessary resources and capacity to effectively deliver its CDF programs according to the CDF Act 2023.

She also acknowledged MP Sofu and his constituency team for the invitation to witness and celebrate together with the people of East Kwaio on the opening of their new office.  


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