Flag Raising Ceremony on the 3rd of Jan, 2022. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.

THE Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet marked its first official working day for the year 2022 with flag-hoisting and singing of the National Anthem.

The ceremony symbolising peace and cohesion involved singing of the National Anthem by staff and hoisting of the national flag by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force at the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet compound on Monday 3rd January, 2022.

It is the Prime Minister, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare’s conviction that the National flag be raised at the beginning of every month, as a symbol and reminder of our National Unity.

Since his election as Prime Minister in 2019, the tradition of monthly flag raising and singing of the National anthem has been devotedly observed.

Prime Minister Sogavare had passionately orated in many of his public addresses that the National constitution, National Flag and National Anthem are embodiment of our national unity.

The Prime Minister has also encouraged every government ministries, schools and provincial governments who have not done so yet to start practicing flag raising and singing of the national anthem at the beginning of every month.

The statement adds the best time to start is now, the beginning of a new year.

SOURCE: Press Secretariat, OPMC Press Release


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