The Guadalcanal national leaders in DCGA reiterated their unwavering support to the overall development and progress of Guadalcanal Province and its people.

GUADALCANAL national leaders in the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) have remained resolute and steadfast in supporting issues pertaining to the overall development and progress of Guadalcanal Province and its people.

The Guadalcanal national leaders in DCGA reiterated their unwavering support in a press statement yesterday.

The Guadalcanal national leaders have pointed out that any issues that will instigate regress and negative impact on the lives of the people of Guadalcanal will not be given due endorsement and recognition.

“In reaffirming our allegiance to the province and its people, we will totally reject and oppose any issues that will disunite, destroy and create animosity amongst Guadalcanal people,” the leaders stated.

The Guadalcanal MPs have been informed that there are misleading information circulating in the media as well as the recent Guadalcanal Leaders meeting in respect of draft legislations pertaining Guadalcanal Affairs, Customary Land and Traditional governance.

“Contrary to public perception and opinions, we have found out that what has been circulated and discussed both in the media and public forum are mere working papers done by a group of consultants for presentation to the Land Reform Unit. Essentially, the draft Guadalcanal Affairs Bill and other purported Bills are working papers amongst other papers being compiled for meeting by the Reform Unit,” the MPs stated.

The leaders have added that “it must be clearly understood that what were alleged as Bills have not even gone through any starting process for the enactment of Bills for that matter. It has not gone through the Attorney General’s Chambers, the legitimate authority to issue instructions for drafting of Bills, nor has it reached Cabinet level. Subsequently, we must tell our people of Guadalcanal that we have not even sighted the working papers.”

“As leaders, we are here to serve the interest of our people and in doing so we will demonstrate due diligence and responsibility in ensuring that the interests and well being of our people are protected and carried. Effectively, as Guadalcanal leaders, we will ensure that any legislation affecting our province and people are done in accordance to lawful process and in the interest of our people,” the Guadalcanal MPs have pointed out.

“Consequently, it is just so unfortunate and utterly unfair that some people who have either been misled, misinformed or inadequately informed have taken it upon themselves to blame and shame us in public for what they alleged as our involvement in the Bills. Put it plainly, there is no such thing as yet as a Guadalcanal Affairs Bill coming to our attention,” the Guadalcanal MPs reiterated.

The leaders stated that “as it is, it will be protocol and procedural for the Guadalcanal Provincial Government to call for the Guadalcanal Provincial Coordinating Committee (MPs and MPAs) as provided for in the PGA to look at and discuss these kinds of issues as well as other pertinent matters of concern to our people.”

The Guadalcanal national leaders further reiterated that they will continue to strive to ensure the wishes and aspirations of Guadalcanal people are met in the short, medium and long term.

The leaders, however, pointed out that to date the DCGA has shown respect and cordial understanding to issues that matters to Guadalcanal people.

“A classic example of government’s genuine desire to tackle head on issues pertaining to Guadalcanal Province and its people is exemplified in the returning of 16 parcels of land on Guadalcanal where the Commissioner of Lands has cancelled Fixed Term Estate (FTE) titles of the 16 parcels of land on 20th July 2020.

The COL also issued notice before forfeiture to Levers Solomons Ltd on 23rd July for 223 FTEs of lands on Guadalcanal Province. Though these matters are subjected to current litigations, the returning of these lands demonstrated the respect and genuine willingness of the government to address issues that are at the heart of Guadalcanal people,” the Guadalcanal national leaders stated.

The Guadalcanal MPs further highlighted that with government’s on- going positive working relationship with Guadalcanal Province and its people, Guadalcanal national leaders will continue to remain in solidarity with DCGA.

The Guadalcanal leaders in DCGA assured Guadalcanal Province and its people that as national leaders they will continue to defend and promote issues pertaining to Guadalcanal people.

“Any policies that is not promoting peace, unity, progress and prosperity will not have our support and that is an assurance we declare to the good people of Guadalcanal,” the Guadalcanal national leaders concluded.


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