THE Honiara City Council (HCC) is looking to establish a home for betel nut market vendors at Gegema in Tuvaruhu area.

This was mentioned by the Honiara City Council Lord Mayor, Eddie Siapu when speaking at the opening of the Kukum market infrastructure on Friday.

The Mayor’s statement come about as he was revealing that the HCC will be closing all illegal markets within the Honiara City Boundary.

“I encourage all market vendors who are currently using the illegal markets to come and use the Kukum Market to sell their market products as of this coming Monday 5th December 2022,” Siapu urged.

Further to that, the City Mayor added that the HCC is also looking to build two more satellite markets within the Honiara City Boundary, one in East Honiara at Naha and another at Whiteriver in the West as from 2023.

“We are hopeful that this additional market infrastructures will be ready before the 2023 Pacific Games in Honiara.

“These two markets will be built with the support of the Solomon Islands Infrastructure Project (SIIP) and CAUSE Project respectively,” Honiara City Mayor, Eddie Siapu stated.


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