A Former Police officer who was convicted of murder in November 26, 2000 was pardoned by His Excellency, the Governor General, Sir David Vunagi, at Lawson Tama on 16 June, 2023 during the King’s birthday celebrations.

The Governor General (GG) Sir Vunagi pardoned Mr Patterson Saeni during the Presentation of Honors and awards at the event to mark his majesty King Charles III the third birthday on Friday.

In his declaration, Sir Vunagi said Mr Saeni was convicted of the crime of murder, however, upon the recommendation of the committee of prerogative of Mercy, he was presented for the pardoned.

Ex-inmate, Patterson Saeni of Sulaqualu village, North Malaita. PHOTO CREDIT: RSIPF MEDIA

“To Patterson Saeni of Sulaqualu village, North Malaita Solomon islands; pardoned, where as you are convicted of the crime of murder by the high court of Solomon Islands and sentenced to life imprisonment on 8th July 2005 and where as you have spent eleven years in prison and nine years on parole for the crime you committed,’’ said Sir Vunagi.

His Ecellency, Sir Vunagi said Mr Saeni petition for clemency and mercy and was considered and accepted by the committee of the prerogative of mercy during its meeting on 12 June on 2023.

“Now therefore in accordance with the recommendation of the committee of the prerogative of mercy and in exercise of the powers confide upon me by section 45 of the constitution, I, Sir David Vunagi, Knight Grand Cross of Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and St George, Knight of Grace of the Order of St John, Governor General and Commander in Chief of Solomon Islands hereby grant you a ‘free pardoned’ with immediate effect from the date hereof dated at Honiara the 16th day of June 2023,’’ Sir Vunagi said.

Mr Patterson Saeni and a former policeman was convicted for the murder of the victim, Samani Ramo at Rove prison on November 26, 2000 and was sentenced to life imprisonment on 8th July 2005.

FEATURED PHOTO: Governor-General Sir David Vunagi speaks to Ex-inmate, Patteson Saeni during the King Charles III birthday celebrations at Lawson Tama, during which the GG Pardoned Mr Saeni for the crimes he committed. He is now a free man. PHOTO CREDIT: RSIPF MEDIA


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