JEREMIAH Manele delivered his first speech as Solomon Islands’ 13th prime minister outside of the Solomon Islands national parliament after an official declaration by Governor General Sir David Vunagi this afternoon. Mr Manele said the Government for National Unity and Transformation has already begun work on our policy and 100 days program, and we hope to unveil it soon.
Here is his seven-minute speech in full:
Your Excellency, Sir David Vunagi, Governor General of Solomon Islands;
Fellow Members of Parliament;
Members of the diplomatic corps;
Members of the media;
Ladies and gentlemen
My good people of Solomon Islands, first I give praise and glory to our Father in Heaven for His continuous protection, guidance and blessings.
Let me also congratulate our people of our beloved country for electing their Members of Parliament on 17 April 2024. The people have spoken. Solomon Islands on that very day, in the words of the General Secretary of the g7+ who were observers during the election, celebrated a “festival of democracy”.
Today, the Members of Parliament that you elected have discharge their first duty, and that is electing the Prime Minister. I humbly stand before you, as your Members of Parliament have graciously elected me to serve you as your Prime Minister and of our beloved country. Past Prime Minister’s election have been met with act of violence and destruction. Our economy and livelihoods have suffered because of this violence. However today, we show the world that we are better than that. We must respect and uphold the democratic process of electing our Prime Minister, and set an example for our children and their children.
I wish to pay tribute to the people of Guadalcanal for graciously giving up their land and allowing us to host our capital, Honiara. I continue to acknowledge the past, present and future traditional customary landowners of this place upon where we stand today and make this call for us inhabitants of Honiara, to show to our Landowners the respect that they should be given. Honiara has become home to many of us and we must treat it as such.
I also acknowledge the other candidate for Prime Minister, Hon. Mathew Wale and the other coalition group. I trust that as the alternative government you will be vigilant in providing the check and balance to the Government of National Unity and Transformation. Whilst we may be on opposing sides, we all have one ultimate purpose that is to serve our people and country. May God grant you wisdom in the discharge of your duty to our People.
My good people, it is reported that the recovery of the global economy is steady but slow. We as a country continue on the recovery path after the COVID -19 global pandemic and 2021 riots. The recent report by CBSI on the state of our economy is concerning and calls for a more focused and aggressive approach. It is not an easy task but we will be reaching out to all relevant stakeholders as we progress on our road to recovery.
Our immediate task now is to appoint Cabinet and we will do that in the coming days. The next business to attend to is the Parliament meeting when all Member of Parliament will be taking their oaths before electing the Speaker and Deputy Speaker. I am sure that all Members of Parliament look forward to taking their oath.
The Government for National Unity and Transformation has already began work on our Policy and 100 days program. We hope to unveil it soon. There are also a number of legislations that are ready to come before Parliament. These Bills include the Value Added Tax Bill, Special Economic Zone Bill, Mineral Resources Bill, Forestry Bill and others.
Cabinet will meet to decide on the priority legislative and policy programs for 2024, which includes whether we need to revise the 2024 Budget.
I am very humbled by the trust that my fellow Members of Parliament have bestowed upon me. This is indeed a historic moment for my people of Isabel Province as well, to have one of their sons as the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands. I will discharge my duties diligently and with integrity. I will at all times put the interest of our people and country above all other interests.
Leading a nation is never an easy task. I ask that you remember me and your Government in your daily prayers so we may serve as our Lord command.
My good people of Solomon Islands, I pledge my loyalty and fealty to our National Anthem, our Flag, the Constitution and our nation.
We are one people. We are one nation. We are Solomon Islands.
To God be the Glory great things He has done.
May God bless you all, May God bless the 12th Parliament and May God bless Solomon Islands from shore to shore.