THE Statement by Malaita Province Premier, Daniel Suidani is read or played in the 33 wards of Malaita province on the 16th of August 2021.
Development blo Malaita: Embrace democracy, rekindle our worthy kastoms, and uphold the principles of restorative economy.
Members blo Malaita Provincial Assembly,
Members blo you me blo Mala MOI High Council blo oketa Aofias blo you me,
Oketa Church leaders blo you me lo province, osem oketa bishops, Reverend Fathers, Pastors, Sisters where you fala waka lo oketa different churches blo you me,
You fala oketa community and village elders blo you me,
You fala oketa Fataabu, oketa Arainifoa, oketa Araha and oketa lo you me where stap come follow oketa ways blo you mi lo custom
You fala oketa Women Leaders, blo you me,
You fala oketa youths and youth leaders, blo you me,
You fala oketa daddies, mummies, grandfathers, grandmothers, Sisters and Brothers.
And for you fala every people blo me lo Malaita Province.
Lo disfala de tude, no matter me no present waitim you fala, me belive me stap waitim you fala lo spirit.
And me barava happy tumas for share wiatim you fala todah. Me like for se bikfala tagio lo God blo you me for faithfulness blo hem for look after you me gogo Kasim this fala day today.
Lo this fala day today, nomata me stay faraway go lo here lo Australian. Me barava honoured, privilege and glad indeed for you me come together for celebratim nao this fala meke 38th Second Appointed day anniversary blo province blo you me inside lo every wards blo you me lo province.
This fala de today hem meke 38th years after biki gofman blo you me mekem you me for become one fala province lo Solomon Islands.
Hem one fala day where you me remembam na time where gafman lo Solomon Islands hem givim you me samfala powers for you me safe look aftem. Oketa powers where national gofman hem givim come for you me hem mekem you me safe look afterem somefala things lo province lo way wea you me likem.
So today you me mas remindim you me lo disfala important birthday yah for province blo you me lo Malaita.
People blo me lo Malaita province. You me safe that time you me celebratim anniversary. You me safe stori stori and ting about na three fala something. You me safe storim and ting about na oketa things lo past, oketa things lo present and oketa thing for future blo you me.
People blo me lo Malaita, for story blo you me today, by me like for talk na about time before and how oketa things before oketa helpem you me for you me duim things today and how na ba hem helpem you me for think about how na things should look lo future.
Me strongly believe that time you me progress by hem safe leadim you me go for prosperity. But for you me follow road for prosperity. You me must look back lo how you me live lo time before, for mekem you me no makem mistakes today and also for you me safe usim oketa good ways blo you me lo time before for planim nao future blo you me.
People blo me lo Malaita. Before me go on witim talk talk blo me for you fala today. Hem givim me pleasure, honour, for talem you fala what na theme blo you me for this fala 38th second Appointed Day 2021.
Theme blo you me for 38th second appointed day anniversary hem:
“Development of Malaita: Embrace democracy, rekindle our worthy kastoms and uphold the principles of restorative economy”.
People blo me lo Malaita. Staka time you me herem theme but look osem you me no minim good to what na theme. Main something aboutim theme nao hem highlitim na main ideas where ba you me story or sharem.
So for this fala anniversary blo you me today, theme na hem . “Development of Malaita: Embrace democracy, rekindle our worthy kastoms and uphold the principles of restorative economy”.
Main idea inside lo theme yah na for you me look safe that Development lo Malaita Hem mas take place inside principles blo democracy. Theme yah hem highligtim that development hem one fala process where by hem end up waitim progress. So time you me garem onefala good process, by by you me safe progress good and time you me progress good by province blo you me safe prosper for you me everyone.
Theme blo you me yah hem continue for highlightim that time you me garem good process. You me safe usim na oketa experiences lo process yah for make sure you me duim things properly today so that you me safe buildim confidence inside oketa plans blo you me for future.
Oketa people blo me lo Malaita. By you me safe ask osem. What na embracing democracy hem meanim time you me talk about development?
For me what hem meanim na osem yah oketa.
Hem meanim that time you me talk about development lo province blo you me. You me must take into consideration na principles of fairness, principles of openness and transparency. Hem meanim you mas accountable for each other; you me mas accountable for our past generations and also for future generations blo you me.
You me mas no stop lo there nomoa. Embracing democracy must go more. Hem also meanim that you me no only accountable nomoa for you me man. You me mas also accountable for how you me conductim activities blo you me lo environmental blo you me. You me mas accountable lo how you me relate lo natural environment that you me live inside.
Oketa people blo me lo Malaita. Me like for talk moa lo one fala issue where hem important lo development blo Malaita where hem highlighted inside theme blo you me today. Part lo theme yah na “the rekindle of our worthy kastoms and uphold the principles of restorative economy in the development of our province”.
Me safe and believim that you me everyone safe what na Kastoms and cultures blo you me.
You me safe kastom and tradition hem one fala centre piece lo survival blo you me. No any language group blo you me lo Malaita me believe, from the North to the South, from the East to the West and to MOI safe denim that cultures blo you me hem barave rich and hem stay come long time before nao.
Staka time you me safe herem that oketa lo Jew, Torah na hem book where providim guide lo how oketa should livim lifes blo oketa. You me herem to that oketa lo Islam, Koran na book where providim guide lo how oketa should livim life blo oketa. Same same to osem Christianity, where Holy Bible na book where providim guidelines for Christians lo how oketa should livim lifes blo oketa.
Me like for belivim that you me lo Malaita you me no garem any book but you me garem too own way blo you me for you me livim life blo you me. This fala way yah na you me safe callem lo Taki. Taki Hem no book but hem na osem way where you me live and relate lo ways for duim things.
People blo me lo Malaita, me like bringim come this fala issue lo way blo you me where somefala parts lo Malaita callem lo Taki inside development dicussions blo you me because me think hem very important.
You me herem staka time and you me safe blemim na culture or tradtions blo you me for why na you me no develop. Stake time somefala lo you me safe say way blo you me na spoilem you me selefa lo side lo development. This fala ting ting yah gogo Kasem national level too.
Staka times time you me tok about why na development no safe happen lo province blo you me. You me somehow otomatically blemim na lo ways and cultures blo you me.
But for me hem should no true tumas. For me ways blo you me or oketa taki blo you me lo there finis. Me believe you me nao no safe takem time for look look gut and findim fastime how na ways blo you me safe help watim development. Staka time you me takem go oketa issues blo you me go lo court.
Especially issue blo customary land and somefala something moa.
Me believe that time you me takem go issues lo land go lo court and askem man from different place for judgim na issues blo land blo you me. And hem usim na court system where hem no same osem na how you me deal waitim issue blo land. You me dis makem matters blo you me become an issue.
This fala area hem one fala bik area where govment blo you me lo MARA like for addressim yah. Hem like for address lo how you me duim things follow na ways blo you me and not necessarily for you me go lo court over our customary land disputes. Me like highlitim nomoa this one because hem one fala very impornat issue
Me like talk osem moa lo issue yah. Staka times you me like usim oketa court system yah no for solvem oketa issues but for makem land dispute worst go nomoa. Me like remindim you me nomoa that time you me takem go land case lo court, hem ba go on and on and on. By hem never ending. Hem no way for solvem problem lo land issue. Many times you me people court ovam land yah you me stay lo same places nomoa. If you look look good lo how you me stay together. Hem easy for understandim that you me stay together come for long time nao. You me one people nomoa na.
Oketa people blo me lo Malaita. You me cannot developem Malaita wiatim greed. By hem hat. You me safe developim nomoa Malaita waitm sharing and helping each other. Hem call blo me for you fala everyone for findim things where bringim you me tugether and no things that by dividim you me.
People blo me lo Malaita. One fala issue where staka lo you me safe ask fallom na issue blo Auki Malaita Communique. Staka time somefala people safe like for se that communique yah by stopem development lo Malaita province.
But me like for talem lo you fala. That fala ting ting hem no stret. Communique yah hem no stopem development. Communique yah hem osem one fala guide for you me lo Malaita.
Hem one fala principal statement where hem talk about how na you me should developem Malaita and oketa things where you me must no forgetim for avoidim time development hem come lo you me. Communique hem talem clear tumas why na you me no develop come for long time because staka time oketa leaders blo you me no safe waka together. Staka time oketa leaders blo you me safe usim oketa offies blo you for takem things where no blo oketa.
Communique hem actually tak strong that time anyone come for duim development lo province hem mas good one. Hem mas no kind come for faitim hem nomoa. Hem mas no kind where come for usim you me nomoa for own gain blo hem. Hem mas respectim na ways blo you me and work waitim you me.
Hem na what communique yah hem about. Me like mekem this one clear lo your fala everyone. Hem no law, but hem na guidim you me for make sure no anyone come lo name blo development but end up spoilem you me nomoa.
Recently you me herem national government hem talem that MARA should makem somefala changess lo Communique. But me like talem you fala every one that by MARA no makem any change nomoa lo communique yah. By no any amendments nomoa lo communique.
Lo sametime me like talem clear lo you me everyone that time you me stand for things where stret ba bae other good people safe helpem you me nomoa. So me encouragim you me everyone for stand for good things for you me and no for follom nomoa sweetness blo seleni. Hem nav nao for you me run after seleni nomoa and no after principals and our good values and integrity.
Today you me herem and lookim that Malaita Province hem benefit form support from the USA. You me herem that USAID through the SCALE program hem providim US25m for project lo Malaita for the next 5 years. Me safe that somefala lo you fala might looking groups osem Winrock come round lo places blo you me. By very soon ba you me look other groups under the same project ba duim waka to lo you me lo Malaita.
One fala group under this fala USAID funding too hem Green Power Tech. Me happy for sharem wiatim you falla people blo me lo Malaita that Green Power Tech hem finalisim na one fala important committee for waka wiaitm oketa lo side for screenim oketa projects. Committee ba startem meetings blo hem lo Wednesday this week . Similarly Windrock too hem ba duim same something very soon.
So you me should thank you USA for support blo oketa for Malaita province. Me like informim you fala everyone that this fala USAID funded project yah hem onefala special one where hem for helpem na people for able for takem things blo oketa for go export. Hem na what you me likem for people able for duim things for oketa seleva and no for depend lo Government or MPS and MPA noma.
Other projects me like higlightim includim Bina Harbour Tuna Processing plan. This fala project where national government na leadim hem one fala important one for development lo Malaita. So far good progress hem take place and MPG hem work very closely with the Ministry of Fisheries, the Bina Harbour Project Office and donor partners lo this fala project.
Kiluufi hospital project hem one fala lo pipeline and Japan na by buildim. You me talk tagio lo government and people blo Japan for oketa ba buildim new hospital building yah. Me like talem you fala people blo me lo Malaita that project lo Kiluufi ba hem happen after Japan hem complitiem na project lo Henderson and phase 2 blo kukum high way development.
One fala too hem this fala World bank infrastructure project lo Malaita. Recently samfala things no stret no project yah concernim na fiu bridge. But me like talem you fala that issue blo Fiu bridge hem non-issue na. So you me look forward for the new tender for the bridge.
Oketa brothers and sisters. You me everyone safe that dis fala siki covid 19 yah me one fala siki where hem affect whole world. Today you me herem that oketa countries wakem merecin for hempem people for no sick tumas lo virus yah. Me Today you me garem two fala type vaccine na available for you me lo Solomon Islands. Me encouregim you me for herem what na advice blo oketa doctors and medical people lo oketa things yah. Me askem you fala for no herem tumas advice from oketa facebbok or other social media plat forms.
This fala siki hem kilim staka people lo Fiji where hem close nomoa lo you me. So hem important for go and lookim Doctors for advice lo vaccine yah.
Oketa people blo me lo Malaita province. You might wander what na happen waitim PS blo you me Fredrick where hem being suspended. Unfortunately court still no finish yet lo issue ya. Fred hem one fala key person lo side lo waka but since hem suspended, hem no able to waka. So for information for you me. PS Fred hem still wait for outcome blo court case blo hem.
Good fala people blo me lo Malaita Province. As you me safe Taiwan hem helpem me for go and checkem na conditions where oketa Doctors blo you me referem me go for duim CT Scan.
You me tagio lo God that time oketa duim MRI lo me lo Taiwan, what oketa suspectim yah hem nomoa. No matter osem, oketa Dr lo Taiwan givim oketa medicine for me and hem helpem me.
Me like say big tagion tumas na Taiwan for help blo you for me for savim life blo me. Big fala tagio must go lo President blo Taiwan and oketa good hearted people where helpem me wiatim this fala trip go lo Taiwan.
Hem barave suprising that samala people lo Malaita okea gohet for crucifim na medical trip blo me for Taiwan.
Me like makem clear that support for this fala medical trip blo me to Taiwan yah Taiwanese government na meetim.
Once again today me like takem this fala time for say happy 38th second appointed day anniversary you fala every Malaitans lo every 33 wards blo you me lo Malaita.
MARA government hem happy tumas for supportim na this fala ward celebrations and wishim you fala a blessed happy celebrations
May God hem blessem celebrations blo you fala and you enjoy the day waitim whatever activities oketa organising committees blo you fala putim together.
God blessim you fala and God blessim Malaita province.
SOURCE: Celsus Irokwato Talifilu, Malaita Province Development forum fb page. Photo Source: SIBC