THE Malaita Provincial Executive, has approved a $1.9M Request from Provincial Disaster Operation Center towards work on countering the current COVID-19 situation.

An emergency meeting was held today and have approved a budget submission of $1.9m from the Provincial Disaster Operation Centre.

A province statement said the budget support for the operations of the Centre is critical as Malaita province is facing possible widespread COVID 19 community infections as a result of the disease now transmitting into the communities.

The main item that needs support is preparing the Aligegeo School into a processing facility to accommodate any big numbers that might be infected and sick.

“The budget would give the Operation Centre adequate finance to deal with issues concerning logistics, accommodation, and others,” the statement said.

In the meantime, the Executive also passed that Sundays and Wednesdays are days communities around Malaita are encouraged to fast and pray for each other during this challenging time.

In addition, Premier Suidani has made a call for all Malaitans in Malaita Province and other places to listen to our provincial and national authorities for advice. That includes advice on vaccination to protect themselves and the country.

“Now that the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic has arrived in our dear country we must make sure it is controlled via adhering to proper advice that also includes vaccination.

AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines are shown to be the most effective vaccines and our people need to take them to keep safe if that is what the competent authorities have advised us on.

At the same time, Suidani warned people against congregating in large numbers and crowds.

“The virus spreads from person to person so I appeal for our Malaita people to remain in their villages and households. This is not the time for gatherings or celebrations, sometimes people can be infected but not show any signs. This is why it is important to stay still in place in your village and households.


Featured Image: Bird eye view looking towards Langalanga Lagoon and Auki. (Photo Credit: BH Photography)


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