CONSTITUENTS at Ngasini and surrounding communities within the Marovo constituency, Western Province will soon take ownership of a new and proper market house facility an investment worth more than $300,000 that would provide a clean and spacious area for them to sell theirs produces.
For decades, Ngasini communities were without a proper market house, forcing vendors to suffer from sun and rain when selling their products.
Constituency Development Officer (CDO), Tyson Stanley Ghera said ensuring vendors have a proper and accommodative market facility is important and that is one of the constituency’s offices priorities because this is where people (vendors) of Ngasini communities get their income through sales of agriculture and fishery products to support their livelihoods.

“For past decades’ people suffer the sun and rain, yet this is where they get income, therefore the constituency office is pleased to render the support by investing in this very important project.”
The major infrastructure (market facility) which is located at the Casino wharf will serve 40 villages both in Wards 23 and 24 of the constituency.
Mr. Ghera said the market infrastructure will be installed with a solar system and proper market tables adding to the project construction and also including improvement work on the deteriorated market seafront/seawall to ensure canoes have a safe and sufficient area for loading and offloading of eskies.
“Work is almost complete and official handing over is planned for June 2022,” CDO, Ghera confirmed.
Marovo constituency office of the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) implements the project under its Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF) program initiatives for 2022.
The current Member of Parliament for the Mavoro Constituency is Chachabule Amoi. He entered parliament in 2019.
RCDF program is funded by the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) as donors.